(Editor's Note: Bleeding Cool staffer Danielle Mick reporting from New York Comic Con and speaking with X-Files star Gillian Anderson.)
When I arrived for the X Files press room after a moment of fangirling, I was immediately blown away by Gillian Anderson's beauty and presence She carried herself with an air of grace and importance, not pretentious[...]
media Archives
John Odum writes for Bleeding Cool…
Blastr's Women in Geek Media panel featured Fangrrls managing Editor Cher Martinetti, authors C.A Higgins (Lightless) , Connie Willis (Crosstalk), and Sarah Kuhn (Heroine Complex), as well as Jamie Broadnax of Black Girl Nerds – who dropped into the panel a bit late, having to rush over from the Women[...]
Every year, Media Guardian publishes who, in their mind, are the hundred most powerful and influential people in British media.
At the top, they're usually Americans.
This year, Doctor Who gets two producers in there, Steven Moffat, showrunner of the show, and Sherlock, at number 87, and ex-Doctor Who and Torchwood writer, producer Chris Chibnall at 91,[...]
Jae Lee will be doing similar (with their Jae Lee exclusive cover of Masks #1) on the 28th.
Partly as a result of the Costa Book Awards nominating two graphic novels on their 2012 short list, the media has been discovering comic books again Apparently some of them aren't just for[...]
Viz Comic, one of the best selling comics in Britain, is to celebrate Christmas by putting the late TV presenter Jimmy Savile, now revealed by the media as a serial child abuser, on their cover portrayed by regular Viz media character Roger Mellie, The Man On The Telly.
Now then, now then,
Viz Comic, one of[...]
I bumped into Dan Slott at the Entertainment Media Show in London today Just after he had met a certain Matt Smith, star of Doctor Who, and managed to wangle a photograph… with a certain familiar pose…
I bumped into Dan Slott at the Entertainment Media Show in London today Just after he had met[...]
I do not know what is in Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #15, out next month, by Sam Humphries and Luke Ross, part of the "Divided We Fall" crossover.
The solicitations are CLASSIFIED still.
However I do understand that it may be considered a very media-relevant comic So probably spoiled two days previously by the New York Post[...]