nightcrawler Archives

X-Men Wedding Special #1 cover by J. Scott Campbell
After that, we join Piotr Rasputin's Las Vegas bachelor party joined by Nightcrawler, Gambit, Iceman, and the new Pyro Finally, we see Kitty's bachelorette party joined by Rogue, Storm, a slew of X-Men ladies, and another surprise and uninvited guest. X-Men Wedding Special #1 cover by J Scott Campbell and Sabine Rich This collection of stories in[...]
X-Men: Gold #27 cover by Phil Noto
Iceman, Pyro, and Nightcrawler warn the rest of the team of the threat to Piotr Rasputin's life The X-Men assemble to track down Colossus with the help of Rachel Summers. The grand plan? Nance and Alpha plan to use the Legacy Virus still in Piotr's blood to recreate the virus deadlier than ever. X-Men: Gold #27 cover[...]
X-Men: Gold #21 cover by Mike Deodato Jr. and Nolan Woodard
Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde try to figure out what's happening with Rachel Grey. X-Men Gold #21 cover by Mike Deodato Jr and Nolan Woodard So, this is actually a really solid issue of X-Men Gold Despite my many problems with this series and its auto-pilot stories, #21 manages to bring a really solid story to the table[...]
X-Men Red #1 variant cover by Mahmud Asrar and Ive Svorcina
After this, we are taken back months prior to a baby manifesting a superpowered scream that attracts Wolverine, Honey Badger, and Jean Grey to the scene. After this, Jean Grey decides to do something dramatic: she wants to speak on behalf of mutants at the UN, and she recruits the support of Wakanda, Atlantis, and her[...]
X-Men Gold Annual #1 cover by Alan Davis, Mark Farmer, and Chris Sotomayor
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, and Rachel Grey of the X-Men have been invited to visit Captain Britain and Meggan's new baby The five of them have a connection thanks to their Excalibur days, and the three X-Men are eager to see Brian and Meggan's child. Meanwhile, Starhammer, an alien whose species was wiped out by the[...]
x-men red
Now, we've got Nightcrawler and Gabby. With Gabby joining the cast and Wolverine almost certainly the blacked-out character on the bottom left, that puts most of the cast of All-New Wolverine in this book (they just need to add Jonathan to complete it) Will All-New Wolverine, also written by X-Men Red's Tom Taylor, continue after this[...]
X-Men Gold and Blue spread cover by Arthur Adams and Peter Steigerwald
Storm, Angel, Iceman, and Logan are in the first simulation, Beast, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Jimmy Hudson are in the second, and Kitty Pryde, Rachel Summers, Cyclops, and Bloodstorm are in the last. Mojo even uses the word "Legacy" to describe the significance of the scenario he has set up. Now, I feel that it's a[...]
X-Men: Blue and X-Men Gold #13 conjoined covers by Arthur Adams and Peter Steigerwald
Jean Grey, Beast, Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Jimmy Hudson are taking on some variety of demons. Meanwhile, Mojo is broadcasting the battles to the world and loving every minute of it. Alright, time to get some of the broad-strokes plot grievances out of the way I already griped about this being a crossover. Here's my next complaint, and many[...]
Essentially, we are shown where things went wrong for these iterations of Colossus, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Pixie You can fill in the rest for yourself if you know these characters Pixie and Nightcrawler's stories are the vaguest though, so you're not really sure what happened. Scott manages to be a bit of a twit in this[...]
Is Nightcrawler Immortal Now? X-Men Gold #8 Preview Reveals All…
Once upon a time, Nightcrawler died In X-Force #26, he teleported to Hope's aid in a battle with Fury-alike Bastion — but he detected Nightcrawler's mutant powers activating and extended his arm where Nightcrawler was expected to appear Nightcrawler rematerialized around Bastion's arm, causing it to fuse inside of him, and was mortally wounded With[...]
Fox Releases High-Res X-Men: Apocalypse Photos
The photos include looks at Kodi Smit-McPhee as Nightcrawler, Sophie Turner as Jean Grey, Tye Sheridan as Cyclops and Lana Condor as Jubilee The film is being directed by Bryan Singer from a script by Simon Kinberg. All photos were taken by Alan Markfield. X-Men: Apocalypse will be in theaters on May 27th, 2016. [...]
First Look At Nightcrawler From X-Men: Apocalypse
20th Century Fox released this first image of Kodi Smit-McPhee as Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler from the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse film being done by Bryan Singer Previously the character was played by Alan Cummings in X-2: X-Men United also directed by Singer. I've played with the levels on it to make the character a bit clearer.   Hidden[...]
Esad Ribic's Gay Porn Wolverine Cover That Marvel Never Noticed
A naked Nightcrawler A crotch-glowering Wolverine A rather familiar pose for such scenes. Greg Rucka writes on Tumblr, Also please note the placement of the beer bottle. I once was at a show where I asked Esad about this cover. Esad is a big, cheerful, man with a wicked sense of humor. He just looked at me. And then he smiled. And[...]
Marvel Cancels X-Force, Nightcrawler, Invaders And Ghost Rider – March Solicitations 2015
While DC always have FINAL ISSUE, with Marvel this month we have FATAL FINISH LINE ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER #12  FELIPE SMITH (w) FELIPE SMITH (A/C) FATAL FINISH LINE! • What is the shocking fate of ROBBIE'S brother, GABE? • Will Robbie finally be pushed over the edge by the evil of ELI MORROW? • And…THE MOST UNEXPECTED GHOST RIDER EVER!!!! 32 PGS./Rated T+[...]
Nightcrawler Cancelled In March 2015?
Chris Claremont posted on Facebook about his battles with international flights, whereupon he was asked, and replied, Danny Occhipinti Write a post about what are our thoughts on the newest Nightcrawler!! I liked it!! Lol (Claremont easter eggs!!) Chris Claremont Danny – very glad you liked it I guess my basic thought is that it's a pity there won't[...]
Nightcrawler Slithers Its Way To Greatness
By Octavio Karbank When I went to see director Dan Gilroy's Nightcrawler, I was aghast when I realized this would not be a movie about the blue-skinned X-Man Just kidding Even so, you wouldn't believe how some folks I've mentioned the movie to honestly thought a movie about Nightcrawler had been released, which in turn elicited[...]
Chris Claremont On Why X-Men Writers Aren't Allowed To Create New Characters Now
Chris Claremont currently writes the X-Men comic book Nightcrawler, with a new issue out tomorrow. We have reported this character-creating issue before now, but this is the first time I've heard an X-book creator confirm it publicly We've also been told though that if you can create new characters under the guise of a Marvel Now style[...]