NYCC Archives

Going Mad as Hatter Covering Batman News
by Chuck Brouillette This reporter hit Manhattan this afternoon to cover the 1st day of NYCC 2016 on a balmy Thursday in October and immediately went from interviewing the producers and star of Warner Bros Animation's Batman: The Return of The Caped Crusaders, the feature film return of 3 of the 1960's most famous Bat-celebrities, to[...]
Capcom's Resident Evil 7 VR Demo 'Kitchen' Spooks Us At NYCC
Unlike some game demos I've waited for at NYCC, this one was really worth it The immersion of VR horror is unlike anything I have experienced through the medium thus far. From here on in, there are a bunch of spoilers, for those that want to avoid those. The game opens with the player tied to a[...]
The Attack On Titan Anthology Is Full Of Gore. Surprisingly.
NYCC has several variant editions including a Diamond variant by Phil Jiminez, a Barnes and Noble variant by Faith Erin Hicks, and a Paul Pope variant through Books-a-Million There are also convention exclusive shirts and posters. When talking about what drew them to the project, Schaefer told a story about how Babs Tarr just "wanted to[...]
Only 6% Of NYCC Attendees Are Primarily Comic Books Fans
I was talking to Bleeding Cool's  Convention Organiser Daniel Celko earlier today about the lack of gaming programming at NYCC, despite the massive gaming booths up front. Rob Salkowitz, author of the Comic-Con And The Business Of Pop Culture book was presenting at the ICV2 Insider Talks event, about convention statistical analysis. There's a problem with[...]
A Spoilery Tease About The Title Of The Ninjak Web Series
We also got the chance to see the trailer to the Ninjak web series airing at NYCC on Saturday. Valiant asked to record a Vine with us both I did expect it to go up yet But it did. Especially since it got this reaction… Holy Crap… Is the title of the series Ninjak VERSUS? Is he gonna fight[...]
From The DC Booth To Artists' Alley At New York Comic Con 2016 (BOOTH)
Again, much praise for the New York Comic Con wi-fi, the best there is… We did From One Side Of The Show To The Other, here's a little variance to see the underbelly – and the heart – of NYCC. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: From The DC Booth To Artists Alley At New[...]
Benjamin Percy And Paul Cornell Join Dynamite's Thursday NYCC Panel
After their batch of announcements earlier this week, Dynamite is now saying who will be on their panel tonight at NYCC 2016 The list of guests include Amy Chu, the writer of the KISS comic and co-writer of the KISS: The Demon miniseries, Erik Mona writer of the Patherfinder comics, Benjamin Percy the new writer[...]