NYCC Archives

NYCC: Sanya Anwar And 1,001
Her clean line style, with beautiful colouring, is somewhere between Jamie McKelvie and Tradd Moore if such a thing were possible, and she's got an eye for a great story too. You can see some art examples below and, if you're not at NYCC, even download the first two issues of 1001 for free, right here. [...]
Silver Surfer Soars Back Into Stores from Dan Slott And Mike Allred – Updated
The Silver Surfer soars back into comic shops March 2014 from writer Dan Slott (The Amazing Spider-Man) and artist Mike Allred (Madman). The writer was quoted during the NYCC Marvel panel, "Silver Surfer's going to meet a kindred spirit in a woman from Earth You're going to find out that the universe is more fun when you see[...]
Best Of The Bleeding Cool Live Blog
The hard working men and women of Bleeding Cool are all over the New York Comic Con this weekend covering panels, events and getting interviews and a good
NYCC: Bob's Burgers Panel
BC Correspondent Ian Jane reports on Bob's Burgers from the BC Liveblog: Closing out Friday night was the Bob’s Burgers panel. With the latest season only
We Are Bleeding Cool!
The evening panel for Bleeding Cool at NYCC was packed, wall to wall With Alex De Campi, Grace Randolph, Dan Hart, Joe Illidge and Nikolai Formich, we discussed the great and the good But mostly the dire and the bad An adrenaline rush later, we all headed to the Multiversity/Image/HERO party And we're still there now[...]
NYCC: Venture Brothers Panel
From BC Correspondent Ian Jane via the liveblog: NYCC 2013 Venture Brothers Panel The first Adult Swim panel of the con saw the arrival of the two diabolical minds behind the hit series Venture Brothers hit the stage for panel that didn't leave a single seat empty in the main hall Prizes were handed out to those in[...]
Kotobukiya: For The Fans
Jeremy Konrad writes for Bleeding Cool: On Thursday Kotobukiya held one of the more lively panels so far at NYCC Featuring higher end collectibles ranging from business card holders to higher end statues, they had a little bit for everyone to show off I for one was most interested in their Star Wars line, and they[...]
NYCC Through Google Glass – The Hunt For Rocket Raccoon
The following is part of a series of videos Marq Romero of his NYCC experience using Google Glass. Thursday is usually the day most people go to NYCC to get the Con Exclusives rather than waiting till the weekend to fight through the bigger crowds to get to a booth and wait on line for a[...]
Dark Horse Draws On Your Horror At New York Comic Con
Also Grindhouse from issue #2, and a reveal on posters being made for Grindhouse, available at the Dark Horse booth at NYCC Out October 30th is a short adaptation of "The Raven" by Poe and Richard Corben The EC archives are on the way, the first volume of which comes out the 23rd of October[...]
Frank Miller Returns To Batman With Detective Comics #27 (UPDATE)
Just announced by John Rood at NYCC, Detective Comics #27 next year, reflecting the first comic featuring the character, will be a big extra sized issue, and amongst other creators, will have Frank Miller returning to Batman. Miller, whose significant Batman work included Year One and The Dark Knight Returns, is considered the modern reinventor of[...]
Captain America Winter Soldier Clip Just Shown At NYCC
Read on for Rich's recap. I'm at NYCC, and marvel's David Gabriel, as well as showing off already seen Avengers Age Of Ultron and Guardians Of The Galaxy clips from previous shows, gave us our first look at Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And it mostly took place in an elevator, going up a cool, modern building,[...]
A Bigger Hellboy For 2014
To celebrate Hellboy's anniversary, Just announced at NYCC, Dark Horse are putting out a massive Hellboy collection for next year, and a special new BPRD series with a totally destroyed New York. Poor New York, it always seems to get destroyed these days… To celebrate Hellboy's anniversary, Just announced at NYCC, Dark Horse are putting out[...]
Two New Comics For Dark Horse From David Lapham, Juice Squeezers And Kid McCallister
Just announced by Dark Horse at NYCC, two new creator owned comics from David Lapham, Juice Squeezers and Kid McCallister…. Just announced by Dark Horse at NYCC, two new creator owned comics from David Lapham, Juice Squeezers and Kid McCallister…. Just announced by Dark Horse at NYCC, two new creator owned comics from David Lapham,[...]