The previous issue gave us both Cates, Shaw and and Eliot Rahal's The Paybacks, and Michael Allred's Madman, who continue in this issue.
And he continues to namedrop other characters, willing the audience to get excited about the mentions.
"Spawn" at random intervals?"
"Overkill"? With Donny Cates lined up to contribute to upcoming Spawn series for Todd McFarlane,[...]
Paybacks Archives
But other folks do.
I'm not going to spoil the final page here, but it features a character who Bleeding Cool had previously noted would be appearing in this comic book at an earlier point.
But, more so for you comic book speculators out there, I'll tell you someone else who is also appearing in the comic[...]
Hosts Randy Young and Chris Hunter say:
Thanks for pressing play!
It's another week of exciting comics hitting the shelf!
We knew that Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale had more great series to share with us and we finally get they're Captain America story that we've heard about for years!
The award-winning creators are back this week with their[...]
Next week sees the launch of Paybacks, Captain America White, D4VE2, Tokyo Ghost, Agent Cooper 50th Anniversary, Awake, Voltron From The Ashes and ten zombie books from Double Take, Infinite Adventures Of Jonas Quantum, Mixtape,
And the week after the launch of Power Cubed #1 and Fury: Shield 50th Anniversary #1…
A piece of promo art from the upcoming Paybacks series from Dark Horse, by Geoff Shaw.
And the cover image to Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia, by JG Jones.
UPDATE: JG Jones initially brought attention to this on Facebook I understand that the Paybacks image was at this time simply an unfinished promo image and, if used, would have had an (After JG[...]