Enplex Games will finally release Population Zero next week, and with it comes a proper release trailer for the game The game will enter Steam's Early Access program next week as players can finally try the game out starting on May 5th, 2020 If you're not familiar with the game, this is a new and ambitious[...]
Population Zero Archives
Enplex Games announced a change of plans for Population Zero, as the game will switch to paid distribution and be released on Steam The company sent out a list of guidelines of what they will be changing in the game, which we have for you here The release happening on May 5th will be for[...]
Good news for those of you who love survival MMO titles, as Enplex Games have announced and revealed their latest game, Population Zero The game has a lot going for it with gaming vets who know how to make an MMO, along with some new elements they haven't revealed yet Enjoy the trailer as well[...]