Predator: Hunting Grounds Archives

Predator: Hunting Grounds Expands To Consoles With New Updates
IllFonic revealed a few surprises this week for Predator: Hunting Grounds, as the game is coming to consoles soon, with new updates on the way The game has been out since 2021, and while it does have its fans and support, the game has been lacking as of late The team plans to fix that[...]
Dutch '87 Arrives in Predator: Hunting Grounds Next Week
Predator: Hunting Grounds is adding a new Dutch '87 skin in a paid DLC pack set to arrive on PlayStation 4 next week Major Alan Schaefer (yes, that's his real name) is special in that he gets two different opportunities to make an appearance in Predator: Hunting Grounds There's already a Dutch 2025 in-game, so[...]
Predator Huting Grounds Arnold Square
Arnold Schwarzenegger will be reprising his role in Predator, sort of, as he comes to Predator: Hunting Grounds as a DLC character Sony Interactive Entertainment and Illfonic both revealed today, along with Arnold himself on Twitter, that Dutch will be headed to the game as a playable character What's more, Schwarzenegger did all of the[...]
Sony Debuts "Predator: Hunting Grounds" During State Of Play
During the State Of Play livestream this week, we got a brand new look at IllFonic's next game that they'll be publishing, Predator: Hunting Grounds The game appears to be a one-vs-everyone type of game that uses the Predator franchise as the foundation Either you hunt down and kill all the humans, or they put[...]
Sony Reveals Predator: Hunting Grounds Trailer
Seriously? You're just leaving heavily armed military types to wander around in the jungle? Do you want Predators? Because this is how we get Predators, buddy! Sony just dropped the reveal trailer for Predator: Hunting Grounds at their Playstation: State of Play event The game will be released in 2020, and is being developed by Illfonic, the[...]