red sonja Archives

The Rage And The Ridicule Of Red Sonja #1
So, yes, Gail Simone on Red Sonja is a thing It should have been obvious, that blend of horrific scenes of violence with just a hint of comedy So how does it come over? I've had a look at the black-and-whites and it's quite the eye opener But oddly, and, maybe the black and whites[...]
First Look: Gail Simone's Red Sonja #1 With Walter Giovani
So Gail Simone is writing Red Sonja for Dynamite Violence, debauchery, minimal chainmail, and that's just for breakfast Check out Walter Giovani art's from the first issue, below So what's going on? Sonja pays back a blood debt owed to the one man who has gained her respect, even if it means leading a doomed army[...]
Vampirella Parodies Buffy, Archie Parodies Vampirella And Buffy
This is an opportunity that may never come again!   THUN'DA #3 Price: $3.99 Covers: Jae Lee Writer: Robert Place Napton Artist: Cliff Richards Danger is everywhere but Roger Drum finds some unexpected allies when he meets the beautiful Pha, and her people–an intelligent race that offers him a safe haven in exchange for his help against the Cliff People. Also reprints[...]
The Women Of Dynamite In March 2012
If you took all the clothes worn by all the ladies on the following Dynamite covers, would you have enough material to make one costume that wouldn't make you embarrassed to wear? I don't think you would, frankly. So in March 2012, we have Vampirella Vs Dracula #2 by Joe Harris and Ivan Rodriguez, Warlord Of[...]
Witchblade / Red Sonja From Dynamite In February
In February, Dynamite is publishing Witchblade/Red Sonja #1 by Doug Wagner and drawn by Cezar Razek. They're not saying how they are teaming a New York cop and a fantasty Dark Ages warrior, but they rule out time travel and universe merging. What happens if they don't have enough breast covering metal to go around? Well, I[...]