river song Archives

Doctor Who was Always Moffat’s Riff on The Time Traveler’s Wife
One of the "no more F's given" anecdotes he dropped recently was how he might have written a sex scene on the show. The Doctor and River Song in "Doctor Who", BBC America That's right: SEX! Doctor Who is a family show, so sex is not discussed on the show, but these days romance is heavily emphasised,[...]
Doctor Who: Alex Kingston Returns as River Song in Big Finish Audio
Now that Steven Moffat is back writing for Doctor Who, fans are speculating about whether River Song will be back.  Alex Kingston certainly hasn't made it a secret that she would love to play the character again But River Song never really went away She's been headlining a River Song series in audio dramas from[...]
doctor who
But first, another familiar face taking part via a pre-recorded cameo is Alex Kingston's River Song- and now we're hearing from Kingston about how it felt taking on "Time Fracture" from the fan's perspective. Image: BBC/Immersive Everywhere Here's a look at Kingston's thoughts on the immersive experience production (but someone needs to tell UNIT that their WiFi[...]
doctor who
That's right, as you can tell from the headline Alex Kingston is returning to the live-action version of River Song for a special pre-recorded cameo Kingston joins David Bradley, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Jo Martin, and current Doctor Jodie Whittaker when it comes to pre-recorded cameos- with voice actors taking on the[...]
Doctor Who: Alex Kingston Reads From her River Song Novel
Alex Kingston has written a novel featuring River Song, the character from Doctor Who The Ruby's Curse is now out in print, ebook and audiobook, and BBC Books has shared an excerpt along with a video of Kingston reading it Doctor Who is the gift that keeps on giving The best characters attract fans with[...]
doctor who
But if the rumor mill is to be believed, Series 13 could end up being Whittaker's last run, which would be a shame since Alex Kingston would love to see River Song reunite with the Doctor- Whittaker's 13th Doctor in particular. Images: BBC Speaking with Radio Times to promote her new River Song novel The Ruby's Curse,[...]
Doctor Who: Alex Kingston Pens River Song Novel "The Ruby's Curse"
Alex Kingston, who played River Song, the fan favourite time-traveling wife of The Doctor on Doctor Who, has written a River Song novel, The Ruby's Curse River Song was created by showrunner Steven Moffat, a character intended to be meta in a show that's endlessly meta, and Kingston seems to understand this according to the[...]
River Denied Her Kiss In Doctor Who: The Husbands Of River Song
Yesterday saw a tweetalong viewing of Doctor Who: The Husbands Of River Song written by Steven Moffat, directed by Douglas MacKinnon, starring Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Alex Kingston as River Song, with the hashtag #HelloSweetie During which, comic book creator and Doctor Who storyboarder Mike Collins provided the storyboards for the final scenes[...]
River Song tries to explain to the Doctor on Doctor Who, courtesy of BBC Studios.
During a dual interview between the two screenwriters for the series' monthly magazine, it was revealed that 2008 episodes "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead" actually introduced a future version of the Doctor (played during this time by David Tennant) disguised as Colin Salmon's satellite-with-feeling Doctor Moon. Colin Salmon in Doctor Who, courtesy[...]
doctor who
The life and mystery of River Song (Alex Kingston) became a major part of Smith's time on the show It also put Karen Gillan on the map as Amy Pond. https://youtu.be/4F84WapAH7MVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Eleventh Doctor Regenerates | Matt Smith to Peter Capaldi | Doctor Who (https://youtu.be/4F84WapAH7M) "Doctor Who": Highs and Lows[...]
This applied to Amy Pond, who never really had an inner life; and River Song, who had all the affectations of a cool, tough female character but often came off more like a plot device than a character Moffat's female characters often existed in service to and in relation to The Doctor Even Missy, his[...]
Doctor Who Showrunner "Doesn't Know" if Show Will Bring Back River Song
However, when asked about the possibility of River Song returning at the show's New York Comic Con premiere panel, new showrunner Chris Chibnall seemed less sure than before By which we mean not sure at all. Chibnall said he "doesn't know" when asked if the show will bring back the Doctor's wife, now in a same-sex[...]
Alex Kingston Talks River Song's Plans For Jodie Whittaker's Doctor
Whovians know her as River Song, wife of The Doctor, 90's tv fans know her as Dr Elizabeth Corday from ER, we know her as awesome. The panel went about how most of them do; chatting about the event (this was Alex's second Dragon Con), the weather, and the fan photo ops she'd just finished before making[...]
'Doctor Who': We Knew Jodie Whittaker Was New Who Before River Song
Scheduling the announcement for after the finish of the Men's Final of Wimbledon Tennis only increased the interest in what was to come. And while a number of past Doctors have weighed-in with their approvals (including Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy), what about The Doctor's "wife" herself, River Song (Alex Kingston)? When did she find out[...]
Ten Thoughts About Doctor Who: The Angels Take Manhattan
Why Can't They Go Back? The Doctor keeps visiting River Song even though he knows about her death He's visited many people knowing about their death? Why can't he visit, as long as he drops them off again? Or does he just not trust himself? Oh that final scene with Amy though, in a graveyard, did it[...]