Rob Morgan Archives

'Greyhound': Tom Hanks Returns to WWII in New Film
Forester.     Greyhound, directed by Aaron Schneider, and starring Tom Hanks, Stephen Graham, Rob Morgan, and Elizabeth Shue opens on June 12th. Tom Hanks is going back to World War 2 He is starring in a new film titled Greyhound, which he also wrote the script for It is about an international convoy of Allied ships crossing[...]
Why All The Hype For Stranger Things?
And every time I see Rob Morgan pop up as Officer Powell, I think "Turk!" and want to watch Daredevil or Luke Cage You think Turk might be in the Defenders or Iron Fist? Again, at the halfway point, the series feels like someone tried to merge an episode of the X-Files with E.T[...]