Written and directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, the anime feature film was originally released in 1993 and is considered a truly seminal work in anime filmmaking as well as the premiere 1990s anime that re-established the ninja myth to anime fans of that generation.
In Ninja Scroll, shinobia hero Jubei saves a young ninja woman from the[...]
Shinobi Archives
They're direct descendants of the legendary Hatori Hanzo, originally pledged to be the secret protectors of the nation until a tragedy on their last mission prompts the father to declare their retirement from the world of the shinobi.
Image: Netflix
Now everyone in the Tawara family is going a bit nuts from boredom Haru (series lead and[...]
Credit: Sega
Curious about the next entry in the SEGA AGES line? It looks like the action-packed side-scroller Shinobi is coming up soon for Japanese gamers.
Shinobi is making an appearance in the line some time ago, but it's been without release dates so far However, it looks like it's closer to a debut for Japanese gamers[...]
Worried? Really?In her position?
Shinobi: Ninja Princess #4 – and there I thought all those lessons of stranger danger were over the top Clearly not What do you do without your mother is clearly an important issue.
You can always keep the memory of her…
…even if it's just digital Planet Gigantic #2 there doing a decent line[...]