Sunrise GP Archives

Sunrise GP Receives New Trailer Teasing Switch Launch
Indie game developer Garage 5 and publisher Gamedust released new info about Sunrise GP for PC, including a brand-new trailer for the game The game already came out for the Nintendo Switch a while ago, but now the team is planning to drop it onto Steam And while the game doesn't have a confirmed release[...]
Sunrise GP Receives New Trailer Teasing Switch Launch
Developer Garage 5 and publisher Gamedust has released a new trailer for Sunrise GP as they tease the release for Nintendo Switch While the trailer itself doesn't really reveal anything new about the game, it does show off more of what you can expect from the racing title and some of the modes you'll be[...]
Sunrise GP Receives First Reveal Trailer
Developer Garage 5 and publisher Gamedust have revealed more about their upcoming stylized racing title, Sunrise GP This particular game has taken the standard racing title and given it more of a cartoonish polish as you will be racing around in some classic looking cars as well as some stylized versions fo classics to compete[...]