superman returns Archives

Ray Palmer on The CW's DC's Legends of Tomorrow (and several guest appearances throughout the "Arrowverse"), and as Superman/Clark Kent in 2006's Superman Returns and the Earth-96 version in 2019-2020 "Arrowverse" crossover event "Crisis on Infinite Earths" (Part 2: Batwoman Season 1 Episode 9) While we still have mixed feelings about "Returns" overall, Routh's portrayal[...]
From his thoughts on returning to The CW's DC's Legends of Tomorrow after a less-than-smooth departure to what it was like reprising Ray Palmer aka The Atom for The Flash "Armageddon." He also explained how The CW's Arrowverse mega-crossover event "Crisis on Infinite Earths" helped Routh heal some emotional wounds & scars leftover from 2006's[...]
Ranking Live Action “Superman” Actors [OPINION]
All Rights Reserved. Brandon Routh Superman Returns (2006) was one of the most unremarkable films for "The Man of Steel" Can't really blame Routh for its poor script and sluggish pacing Aside from Bryan Singer's decision to forgo X3: The Last Stand, the film stars a bored Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane Kevin Spacey makes a strong[...]
Supergirl: Our Top 10 List of "Lexiest" Lex Luthors of All Time
Superman Returns – Kevin Spacey Controversial, I know, but in hindsight he is the weakest Luthor Over the top acting (Wrong!), never really giving us a sense that he is the smartest person on the planet (or thinks he is), and his scheme is… a landgrab? We're going to make a new crystal continent? Lame, Luthor[...]
Late Night Fun – Hardman Shares Superman Returns Storyboards
He has worked on movies like The Dark Knight Rises, Tropic Thunder, Inception and Spider-Man 3. On his blog he shared some of the storyboards he did for Superman Returns from the airplane rescue Personally that was the best part of the film to me. Gabriel Hardman, known for his work[...]
Clips From Superman, Matrix And Countless Other Warner Bros. Movies Going Cheap
Ben Mortimer writes for Bleeding Cool. If you've ever wanted to use footage from Superman Returns, Watchmen or The Matrix for your own nefarious purposes, it would seem that you finally have the chance as Warner Bros have made a hell of a lot of it available as stock footage via Getty. Earlier this month, Twitter user[...]
Man Of Steel — The Bleeding Cool Review
We sent Michael Moran to see the new Superman movie, and he returned, as you'd expect, with tales of Smallville, obscure lost Biblical texts, and Action Figure Smackdowns™
VIDEO: The Return To Krypton Scene From Superman Returns
Jumbo Sharky writes for Bleeding Cool: You can see the infamous "Return to Krypton" scene from Superman Returns in full, glorious HD on the Superman Anthology Blu-ray box set It's on shelves now in the US, and available from next Monday in the UK. It's really something in HD, but you can get at least get a[...]