superman unchained Archives

Before And After… Dan Jurgen's Superman Gets The Mullet Back
    This was the original Dan Jurgens' variant for Superman Unchained #1, a classic Superman figure defeating Doomsday But, for continuity purists, there was one thing missing Superman's mullet… that's right, the nineties Superman gave his enemies something handy to grab onto mid-battle Hey, maybe he wouldn't have died in that fight if he's had a[...]
DC Comics To Pay 75% OF Comic Stores Advertising If Its Got Superman In It
And a Superman Unchained comic I'm even told that Batman/Superman #1 is expected to get sales of over 200,000. And DC Comics are agreeing to pay 75% of the costs of individual stores advertising their wares using Superman imagery. The ad has to be approved, so as to avoid entertainingly embarrassing ads such as these from A[...]
How "Superman Unchained" Goes Straight To The Brand
Well, there was a film on the way. Now it seems the Scott Snyder/Jim Lee's Superman book is to be called "Superman Unchained" And while there's no doubt a little Django in that derivation, it also goes to the heart of one of the most potent and indeed trademarkable images, that of Superman breaking chains, held[...]