Team Rocket Archives

Jesse and James Arrive In Pokémon GO
Jessie and James, the iconic Team Rocket duo from the long-running Pokémon anime, have officially arrived in Pokémon GO Niantic introduced the fan-favorite, Pikachu-kidnapping pair today in the mobile game directly on the heels of two major Team GO Rocket updates this week: the Team GO Rocket balloon which allows players to battle the villains[...]
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It looks like Niantic are going to be doing a lot more with Team Rocket GO in Pokémon GO than just making them raid your map and be an annoyance Yesterday they had the team invade Manhattan in various forms and showed it off on Twitter as they made a bigger presence in a couple[...]
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It officially happened this week! Team Rocket has invaded Pokémon GO and has not only started causing trouble, but they've also started recruiting (sort of) It appears that there are now random battles from Team Rocket members happening to players when you visit PokeStops The "Team GO Rocket" grunts use three Pokemon of the same[...]
Niantic Seemingly Teases Team Rocket Again For "Pokémon GO"
It looks like Niantic are teasing bringing Team Rocket into Pokémon GO again, according to some suspicious things happening at an event The news comes from EuroGamer, who was covering Europe's first Pokémon GO Fest in Dortmund, Germany this weekend It seems as if the company decided to have a little something floating off in[...]
Team Rocket Return In Pokémon Ultra Sun & Moon
Meowth, that's right! In some ways, Pokémon just isn't the same without Team Rocket A fixture of both the original game and main antagonists of the cartoon series, the evil organization of people who all dress the same with a red letter R on their shirts trying to take over all the Pokémon on the planet has[...]