the guild Archives

Third Eye: Felicia Day’s Magic Sauce in Audio Comedy is Snarky Comedy
Day innovated online content when she launched her independent video series The Guild and then her online channel Geek and Sundry years ago Now she has once again innovated an art form by pushing the envelope for audio drama podcasts and how actors can play in them with Third Eye And if you want to create[...]
Malifaux: Wyrd Games Reveals Gen Con 2022's Nightmare Models
In what appears to be a loving homage to Elden Ring and other similar Souls-style games, Charles Hoffman, the genius inventor working for The Guild and the Arcanists simultaneously, has gotten a knightly facelift and has been re-christened into the arguably not-so valiant Lord Galehault. In fact, for this year's Nightmare Edition releases we are getting three[...]