The Witcher 3 Archives

You Can Travel By Water To Other Islands In The Witcher 3
The Witcher 3 is starting to sound ridiculous Not only is it going to take 200 hours to complete, the size of the world, activities and exploration all seem off the chart CD Projekt Red really are trying to build a world for you to exist in That's as exciting as it is terrifying. You're not[...]
The Witcher 3 May Take Over 200 Hours To Complete
The Witcher 3 has been looming in the distance of my schedule for a while I have every intention of playing the game to completion, but it's clear that is going to be a pretty serious challenge. If CD Projekt Red are right, the time input is going to be potentially huge Senior Game Designer Damien[...]
Geralt's Beard Will Grow In The Witcher 3, Just Not Gandolf Long
This is a weird story as yesterday I was literally wondering why video game character's beards don't grow during the time a game takes place. Well, it turns out that isn't going to pry on my mind in the Witcher 3 Speaking to German outlet Gamestar, (via VG247), CD Projekt Red said that Geralt's beard will[...]
Take A Peek Inside Of The Witcher 3 Xbox One Collector's Edition
Sometimes you just want to spend $100+ on a Marcus Fenix statue. It shouldn't be surprising that the The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt also has a huge collector's edition, that's exclusive to the Xbox One It's got some pretty neat things in it like a statue of Geralt fighting a griffin and a playable version[...]
Here is Over 7 Minutes Of The Witcher 3 From PAX East
Look, CD Projekt Red have been releasing a lot of footage of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt of late If you've been following, you pretty much know the drill by now. Questing Check Pretty scenery Check Monster hunting Check Monster slaying Check. Here is the video, which has some useful commentary from senior level designer Peter Gelencser. [youtube][/youtube] Like I[...]
Watch A Few Minutes Of The Witcher 3 On PC – Swearing And All
Nvidia's GDC conference happened last night and the most impressive game on show was this look at The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. It's just a few minutes of the developer walking around an open area, but these are the kinds of things that tell you what playing the game is actually like, as opposed to carefully choreographed[...]
These Witcher 3 Screenshots Reenforce The Game's Beauty
I'm genuinely quite excited about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt The game is looking gorgeous and the open world, vast. The world of the Witcher has always been the big draw for me, and I think that's what attracts me to these screenshots They depict mundane encounters, one having a conversation, one walking up to a[...]
CD Projekt Red On Why Lots Of The Witcher 3's DLC Is Free
To illustrate, it was announced last year that 16 pieces of DLC for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be free. Speaking to IGN, the developers' co-founder and co-CEO Marcin Iwiński talked about the decision and gave an answer that will no doubt please players to no end: Because people just paid full price for our game[...]
There's New Gameplay In This Video Of The Witcher 3's First Public Outing
The Witcher 3 was recently pushed back until the summer by developer CD Projekt Red That's no doubt for the best By all accounts, the game is looking huge and any extra time to perfect the game's world and systems will no doubt go a long way. The title recently had its first public outing regardless[...]
The SML Podcast – Talking With Eric Ruth Of Eric Ruth Games

Deep down I bet he's a huge Decemberists and Pomplamoose fan. Of course we touch on news and other things like Amazon's Top 10 of 2014 list, games we can't wait for in 2015, The Witcher 3 and it's heartbreaking delay, Diablo III, and we even have our first Game Movie Contest entry where we find[...]
The Witcher 3 Delayed Again Until May
The Witcher 3 has been enamoring audiences and press for quite a while now The game won numerous awards at the past two E3s and just this weekend received the fan voted 'Most Anticipated Game' at the Game Awards. As you can see, people are pretty excited about Garret's return. It was initially delayed from late 2014[...]
From Witcher 3 To Evolve: The Biggest Game Delays Of 2014
By Sage Ashford Like every other industry, game delays are actually pretty common.  Most are usually small–a delay of maybe a month to bang out last minute problems.  But then there are others that can completely change everything for both gamers and the publishers, as a delay of a several months can majorly affect a company's[...]