Wesley Dodds Archives

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Robert Venditti and Riley Rossmo has been exploring the move of a pacifist to superhero in the nineteen forties, at a time when the world is at war Part of a line intended to be showrun by Geoff Johns, who set this all up with Beyond Flashpoint, the Golden Age,[...]
Interior preview page from Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #6
Did everyone get their beauty rest? Well, break out the espresso and slap on your creepiest gas masks, kids, because it looks like someone's hitting the snooze button on justice in Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #6, arriving this Tuesday, March 12th Before you tuck in for the night, let's get cozy with a little story[...]
Interior preview page from Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #5
DC's latest suspenseful scoop, Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #5, hits stores on February 13th, and boy, does it look like they're dialing up the drama this week. It's Wesley Dodds vs the U.S Army as the Sandman infiltrates a military base in search of his missing journal Can he get in and out before anyone sees[...]
Interior preview page from Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #4
This time we're diving into the soporific saga of Wesley Dodds in Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #4, set to hit the shelves on Tuesday, January 9th And it seems our distinguished dream-dwelling detective's about to hit the REM cycle harder than a narcoleptic in a mattress store. Trapped in a dream by his own sleep gas,[...]
Sandman Sees The Future
But it looks like the new issue of Wesley Dodds: The Sandman, out on Tuesday from Robert Venditti and Riley Rossmo, may include some glimpses of that planned future Including a certain Justice Society Of America. Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #4 "A nightmare beast stands revealed, A boy made out of sand A red figure." World War[...]
Interior preview page from Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #3
Well, gather 'round kiddies, it's story time again, and this week on Tuesday, December 12th, we'll be diving into the not-so-sweet dreams of Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #3 Now, if you've been following along—I'm not sure why you would, but just in case—you know our hero has been on a little game of "follow the[...]
Interior preview page from Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #2
Ah, the sweet scent of musty pages and impending doom—it's time once again for everyone's favorite somnambulist superhero to don his gas mask and fedora in Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #2 Set your alarms for this Tuesday, November 14th because you won't want to miss what happens when Wesley's journal, a veritable bedtime storybook of[...]
Printwatch: Sandman: Wesley Doddds Gets A Second Print Design Cover
PrintWatch: Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1 by Robert Venditti and Riley Rossmo, the first of three The New Golden Age series to launch this past October, has sold out at the distributor level—and is heading back to press for a second printing from DC Comics with an on-sale date of the 12th of December, coinciding[...]
Wesley Dodds: Sandman Golden Age #1 Preview
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Rob Venditti and Riley Rossmo is a new six-issue mini-series from DC Comics beginning in October, out next Tuesday just in time for New York Comic Con And today's DC Comics titles are previewing the first issue, as seen below. The new series, according to Venditti, "shows the titular character as a pacifist[...]
Alan Scott: Green Lantern by Tim Sheridan & Cian Tormey
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Rob Venditti and Riley Rossmo is a new six-issue mini-series from DC Comics in October that "shows the titular character as a pacifist He has given up on the hope of a peaceful world, but he hasn't stopped believing that people can be better to each other, if they're only[...]