There's also notable moments from Don Cheadle (War Machine), Chris Pratt (Star-Lord), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Tom Holland (Spider-Man), Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange), Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther), Pom Klementieff (Mantis), Paul Bettany (Vision), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch), Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier), and more.
Thanks to Superhero News for posting the full video, which you can see below: can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War Press Conference (
zoe saldana Archives
Maybe it's both, but everything we're hearing about this movie makes it sound like it will wind up being one of the most insane things ever (which for superhero films is saying something).
Avengers: Infinity War, directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, stars Robert Downey Jr., Josh Brolin, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner,[...]
Turns out, though, Gunn almost missed the chance to include two important members of the Guardians crew:
"While in London, I was having dinner with the cast and we were all laughing over how fun it all was, when Zoe and Chris were, like, 'Uh, guys, why didn't you ask us?'
My face made the flat face[...]
Some had theorised that Zoe Saldana had accidentally revealed the title in an interview, when she intimated it may be Infinity Gauntlet But this seems unlikely We all know the Infinity Gauntlet is in play, so it would hardly be spoilers for the fourth Avengers film to be called it.
What if, instead, the plot of[...]
Disney has released the details for the upcoming home release of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 including bonus materials
Need your Guardians fix now? Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is out now in theaters, starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Kurt Russel and Michael Rooker Need that fix in a theme park? You can meet Star Lord and Baby Groot inside of Disney's Hollywood Studios, inside of Walt[...]
If you're a fan of Groot, the impossibly awesome hero from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, and you have small kids (or you're a kid at heart), take a look at this video of Zoe Saldana (Gamora) reading Night Night Groot Night Night Groot is by Brendan Deneen and Cale Atkinson, and is the perfect[...]
Jumping the Gunn, part 327562: The ever-retweetable James Gunn has clarified that Infinity Gauntlet is not the title of the Avengers 4 film, correcting reports from yesterday that had Guardians of the Galaxy 2 star Zoe Saldana referring to the film by that name According to Gunn, Saldana misspoke, and I have to say I can[...]
Well, thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 star Zoe Saldana, we may finally have our answer In a video posted on Twitter by BBC reporter Lizo Mzimba, Saldana said of filming schedules:
We're in the middle of it I think the Guardians just shot their part when it comes to Infinity Wars, the first part,[...]
2 star Zoe Saldana about to be attacked by a vampire at the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 premiere It's just a photo capturing legendary comics creator Jim Starlin chatting with Saldana, who plays the character created by Starlin, Gamora, in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise At least, we think that's the case Look,[...]
While Gillian responds to director James Gunn describing Nebula as a 13-year old goth girl.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 opens May 5th. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Zoe Saldana on Sisterhood at the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Red Carpet Premiere ( can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Karen Gillan[...]
Chris Pratt (Starlord) and Zoe Saldana (Gamora) also talked about what their kids think about GoTG: can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Chris Pratt & Zoe Saldana Reveal What Their Kids Think of Guardians (
The second clip/trailer was released by Marvel UK, and features more of Starlord's sweeeeeeet dance moves:
We also learned after the press[...]
2, also known as Remix, will be out in the Summer of this year, and stars Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper.
And really, it is more of the same.
Essentially it's mainly the same scenes we've already seen, albeit in some cases with a few more seconds of context, and[...]
Zoe Saldana is the latest Hollywood actor to travel to the land of Equestria for Hasbro's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic feature film, according to a report from Variety My Little Pony: The Movie takes a fan-pleasing approach to turning a popular cartoon into a film, with the voice castof the TV show's "Mane[...]
Paramount has released new character posters for Star Trek Beyond featuring Simon Pegg as Scotty, Zoe Saldana as Uhura and John Cho as Sulu.
These go with the previously released posters with Zachary Quinto as Spock, Karl Urban as McCoy, Sofia Boutella as Jaylah and Anton Yelchin as Chekov.
Star Trek Beyond[...]
Chris Pratt received the Guy Of The Year award from Spike TV and it was presented to him by his Guardians of the Galaxy co-star Zoe Saldana Pratt's acceptance speech is like none you've ever heard before as he read off a list of potential sponsors and played to the audience in a very funny[...]
Along the way, he meets and eventually befriends Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel), Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) And so on…
[*Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy below!]
For starters, the world(s) where Guardians takes place on are well-realised The first action scene which involves a mini-heist, a[...]
While on the carpet, I got to talk to a ton of the people involved, getting time with James Gunn, Karen Gillan, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista and even a few words with Joss Whedon.
This isn't the entirety of all the conversation, but I was sharing a pen with tabloid reporters I've spared you[...]
Needless to say, Rocket (along with Vin Diesel's Groot) is going to walk away from the movie with many more fans than he even has at the moment.
Gunn's take on Drax seems built around a gag designed specifically to take advantage of Dave Bautista's limited acting skills while still playing off the character's history in[...]
We have Starlord / Peter Quill – Chris Pratt and Gamora – Zoe Saldana this time.
We're seeing a lot of interviews from tonight's Guardians of the Galaxy world premier so I'm going to try to group them a little bit here[...]
Zoe Saldana sits down and talks about her Guardians of the Galaxy character Gamora She talks about the assassins motivations and how she may kill you, but she has a heart of gold.
Guardians of the Galaxy opens August 1st.
Zoe Saldana sits down and talks about her Guardians of the Galaxy character Gamora She talks[...]
We got Rocket and Groot blasting their way through their character poster, and now here's Zoe Saldana as Gamora, of course doing the sexy strut thing, since she's still Zoe Saldana.
Guardians of the Galaxy will be released on August 1st in the US, while you lucky UK dwellers get it one day early.
We got[...]
For being a remake that I'm not sure anyone really wants, this is a pretty cool poster for NBC's four-part Rosemary's Baby miniseries.
Zoe Saldana, whose wig looks a lot better here than it did in the first stills, stands silhouetted against the Eiffel Tower and standing over her unborn devil child's carriage It's eerie and[...]
Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana will reprise their roles for all three Avatar sequels, 20th Century Fox announced today Production begins on the back to back to back films later this year.
Worthington played the human soldier Jake Sully, who donned an Avatar of a Na'vi and ultimately fell for Saldana's Neytiri, turning his back on[...]
Jessy Williams writes for Bleeding Cool.
Zoe Saldana was a guest on this Saturday's Jonathan Ross Show During the nearly twenty minutes of quality sofa time she got with Ross and her Star Trek co-star Zachary Quinto, Saldana gave us a snippet of information regarding the filming of the Avatar sequels.
In short, she expects production to begin[...]
Star Trek star Zoe Saldana has revealed that she's super-excited about JJ Abrams' forthcoming sequel to Star Trek, which will begin shooting in mid-January She's also said that she's super-excited about Zachary Quinto coming out of the closet, as are the many thousands of slash fan fiction writers in the world I am too, even[...]