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AEW All Out Results – Is AEW About to Enter the Dustin Rhodes Era?
Alex Marvez interviews Kip Sabian because he has a huge announcement. But Penelope Ford makes the announcement – they're getting married. Sabian says they're going "All Out" for this wedding. It will be live on AEW Dynamite. But first, Sabian needs a bachelor party and a best man. He rattles off criteria for his best man and says he scoured his contacts to chose one. But we won't find out until Wednesday on Dynamite. Sabian and Ford hold up a sign for their Twitch channel, taking a little shot at WWE.
Okay, enough of that. We've got a PPV to worry about here! Here at AEW All Out, it's time for the big eight-man tag team match. After a video package, Dark Order comes out first. Then the Natural Nightmares with Allie and Brandi Rhodes. Scorpio Sky is next. And Matt Cardona is last.
AEW All Out Results – Dark Order vs. Natural Nightmares, Scorpio Skye, and Matt Cardona
- The match starts out with a chaotic brawl, but chaotic in a good way, not chaotic like the Casino Battle Royale.
- Brodie Lee and Dustin Rhodes end up in the ring briefly, but Lee tags in Evil Uno.
- Dustin tags in QT Marshall, who beats down Evil Uno.
- Is Uno the heel in peril?
- Uno eventually leads Marshall to his corner, and then its time for Dark Order to take turns beating on Marshall. Colt Cabana is just happy to be there.
- You know how that goes. Eventually, he gets the hot tag to Cardona.
- Cardona hits some of his signature offense on Colt Cabana. He hits a Reboot, but Lee drags Cabana's foot to the ropes.
- Cardona gets pulled outside and roughed up by Brody Lee. Now Cardona is the face in peril for a while.
- Eventually, he gets the hot tag on Rhodes, who hits all his signature offense.
- And of course, and this never gets old, his offense includes the Destroyer. He hits it on Cabana.
- Anna Jay tries to get involved in the match and gets her head kicked off by Brandi.
- Scorpio Sky, in what may be the first time I've seen him in the ring, takes out Lee with a hurricanrana.
- Jim Ross wonders if Anna Jay had a wardrobe malfunction and then says it may have been wishful thinking.
- While I was distracted by JR being horny on main, chaos erupted in the ring.
- Everyone takes turns hitting big moves and dives, and all the faces end up laid out outside with QT Marshall in the ring again.
- All of Dark Order hits big moves on Marshall, but he kicks out. Such heart!
- Dustin Rhodes gets to the apron and wants in. Brodie Lee tosses the carcass of Marshall to him so he can tag in.
- Lee and Rhodes go at it. Lee ends up hitting a massive clothesline.
- Cabana tags in and goes for the moonsault but misses. Rhodes rolls him up for the ring.
The Rhodes family celebrates this All Out victory at the top of the ramp while Dark Order pouts in the ring. Brody Lee is very upset. He shoves everyone, including Cabana. He says he set Cabana up. Cabana accepts it's his fault. Lee storms off. Dark Order follows, except Evil Uno, who offers Cabana a hand up and helps him to the back.
Tony Schiavone interviews Dustin Rhodes backstage. Dustin is pumped up. He cuts a classic 1980s shouting promo, which is exactly what I needed to hear right now. He did it for Cody Rhodes, who will be back soon. Tony says that he just learned Dustin will get a title shot at Brody Lee on Wednesday. Dustin's mind is blown. It's been a long time since he had a chance at a title shot. "Hard work pays off! This train is rolling! If you are not on, you better get on!" Dustin is fired the hell up. "Brodie Lee, Wednesday Night, AEW Dynamite, God damn it Boy, I'm coming for your blood, and hell is coming with me!"
First of all, this was a really solid match. Everyone involved was on point tonight. That being said, this match felt more like a Dynamite main event than something for a PPV, you know, something to advance a story leading to a big match. And in a way, it was, as now we get a Dustin Rhodes title shot on Dynamite. But the promo by Dustin Rhodes at the end elevated the whole thing. I loved it, and All Out is firing on all cylinders now. Next up is the tag team championship match as Bleeding Cool's live All Out coverage continues.