Posted in: AEW, Sports, TV | Tagged: aew, dynamite, recaps, wrestling
AEW Dynamite: The Chadster is Not Thankful for MJF vs. CM Punk
Thanksgiving is The Chadster's second-favorite holiday of the year, after Groundhog Day, which is very popular here. But The Chadster has little to be thankful for this year, thanks largely to Tony Khan and AEW. First, Tony Khan caused The Chadster to become sexually impotent when AEW Dynamite chased The Chadster's beloved WWE NXT off of Wednesday nights. Then, Tony Khan signed CM Punk and Bryan Danielson, causing AEW to sometimes even compete with Raw and Smackdown in the ratings. AEW has elevated its women's division with a secondary title while WWE has reverted to Divas-era style booking and brought back John Laurenitis, beating WWE at one of the few things they were indisputably better than AEW at. And now, AEW is taking the one thing WWE has left: overly-long promos to open episodes of TV shows. Auughh man! So unfair!
It was CM Punk and MJF who ruined The Chadster's Turkey Day on the Thanksgiving episode of AEW Dynamite. Punk came out to start the show as usual with a very disrespectful crowd-pleasing opening match, but before he could get started, MJF interrupted him. The two went on to cut promos on each other that lasted nearly twenty minutes, showed off the elite skills of both performers on the microphone, and even took some very unfair shots at Triple H, John Cena, and Vince McMahon, even though all three of those guys did so much for the wrestling business showing Tony Khan doesn't respect it at all.
As you can imagine, AEW Dynamite only cheesed The Chadster off more from there. You can watch the whole thing right here, though personally, The Chadster doesn't see why you'd want to unless you were some kind of fair-weather fan who only liked WWE while they were the only option available and now are willing to turn on the company even after all the great memories its given you. But sure. Go ahead. The Chadster won't judge you.
The Chadster can't believe you clicked on that! The Chadster is definitely judging you now! Auughh man! The Chadster was going to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving, but now? The Chadster just hopes your turkey is dry.