Posted in: Game Of Thrones, HBO, TV | Tagged: game of thrones, HBO, House of the Dragons, Jon Snow, Kit Harrington, Kristofer Hivju
Game of Thrones: Kit Harington's Jon Snow Spinoff Needs to Be A Sitcom
HBO is going all-in on the Game of Thrones business. The prequel series House of the Dragons is probably the biggest show in the world now, with over 10 million viewers. More spinoffs are in development, but what fans really want is a sequel, and only one has been announced: a series that follows Jon Snow (Kit Harington) after the end of the original show. Well, fans would like to see more Arya (Maisie Willaims) pwning and killing fools, but we're getting Jon Snow. Here's a thought: it should be a sitcom called You Know Nothing, Jon Snow.
Hear us out. We're already getting the meanies, the double-dealing, the betrayals, the incest, the infighting for the throne on House of the Dragons. At the end of Game of Thrones, the throne itself is no more. It was melted down, signaling the end of the game. Pretty much everyone who deserved to die – and a few who didn't – is dead. Jon Snow opted to go back up north beyond the Wall. Spring is coming. The Whitewalkers are gone. Jon Snow is chillin' up there with Tormund and his Wildling buddies. SITCOM!
Why Can't There be a Game of Thrones Sitcom?
You Know Nothing, Jon Snow: A Game of Thrones Sitcom would be a multicamera studio-shot sitcom featuring Jon Snow and his buddy Tormund Giantsbane (Kristofer Hivju) as roommates dealing with all the issues of roommates: dating, workplace issues, and grocery shopping. It would be filmed in front of a live audience, so there's a laugh track. It would be about the absurdity of modern, well, North Wall life. Winter is over, and it's spring again. Jon Snow would still be the earnest, hapless dude whose buddy Tormund keeps getting him into trouble. Sometimes, or always, they would have to fight their way out of a sticky situation brought on by misunderstandings. Then they return to their living room to have a rueful laugh about it because, "YOU KNOW NOTHINGS, JON SNOW!" Wash, rinse, repeat.
Jon Snow and Tormund having to massacre their way out of another mess Tormund got them into is a weekly whoopsie that still continues the Game of Thrones tradition of bad things happening from bad decisions at the worst moments, only this time played for farce and comedy. A lot of the fights or disasters would happen off-stage, and the characters would wander into the living room setting commenting on the aftermath, a normal sitcom trope due to budget and set limitations saves the production money. Dragons and creatures would be outside the living in that "look what's going on outside" way that sitcoms do things. You can even get occasional guest appearances by fan favourites like Arya or Sansa. It would save the network loads of money while banking on the star power of its lead actors and popular characters. It shows how flexible Game of Thrones can be as a franchise without having to spend $20 million per episode like House of the Dragons did. Kit Harrington and the cast don't need to be tortured by being on locations with harsh weather and grueling battles with hundreds of extras that run overtime and overbudget in the production schedule. It's a win-win for HBO!
No? Would you rather stick to horrible people being serious, gruesome violence, incest, gratuitous sex, and sexism that House of the Dragons is continuing? Is that what audiences expect – nay, demand – of anything under the Game of Thrones monicker? Oh well, we tried. We're really no better than the worst studio exec with an MBA and no creative bone in their body here, alas. Oh well.
House of the Dragons is on HBO to fill your Game of Thrones jones.