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Interview with the Vampire S02E04 Review: The Spotlight Burns Bright
The spotlight burns bright for Claudia in AMC's Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire S02E04: "I Want You More Than Anything in the World."
This week's episode of AMC's Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, "I Want You More Than Anything in the World," solidifies the fact that this show keeps getting better with each installment. Once again, it does not fail to transport us into another world and keep us wrapped up in this universe for the duration of it: laughing, screaming, or suffering along with the characters. The story just keeps building momentum and seems to be leading toward the point where crap Street meets the fan avenue. I have not felt this excited about a show in quite some time.
As far as shows go, this is the first time I have been absorbed to the point of forgetting my real surroundings. The writing, once again, is phenomenal. The magic translates perfectly with amazing dialogue and performances. The ensemble of actors is sounding at what they do— I never imagined someone would ever do justice to Lestat the way Sam Reid does. Then, the way Louis (Jacob Anderson) and Armand (Assad Zaman) make us fall in love with the way they continuously flip like pancakes—their relationship holds the excitement of something new, the promise of forever, with a tinge of distrust considering how sus Armand is and how Louis still carries Lestat with him. Then Claudia (Delainey Hayles) flip-flops between being horrific yet reminding us of the things that have driven her to this point. And Santiago (Ben Daniels) also keeps us on the edge between hating him and feeling like there is something that had pushed him to this length. I mean, who wants to be stuck under the same routine- slash- coven? The laws, I understand. That said, they have done a fantastic job creating these layered, gray characters. I love them and hate them.
We start seeing Claudia's descent into madness in the past as Armand starts losing control of his coven. At the same time, in the present, we are witnessing a similar loss of control and mind games as there seem to be memories resurfacing within Daniel (Eric Bogosian). It is fascinating how so many storylines are converging and escalating simultaneously in the past, in the 70s, and now in the present. I am curious if the memories are resurfacing as Armand tries to play with his mind, thus undoing the past… or if it is just a reminder of how the brain scramblies felt and so his mind is not falling for it again. I like how there seems to be no stopping the crack in Daniel's mind as it inches closer to breaking open like a dam, and it seems to be coming with some revelations along with it.
That said, Armand and Louis were each rattled for their own reasons. Between Louis's haunting memories of Lestat, there was also a mishap when showing Daniel his photography. The pictures on file were not taken by him, and he seemed suspicious of Armand as they argued about it later on. Armand blamed the employees and hmm, who is real Rashid playing for? Is there more to his character? Was he even the one involved? Who set up Louis? Darn it, so many questions. On Armand's end he seems surprised to know how much of Lestat Louis still carried with him… and he makes it known. However, the way Armand always moved toward Louis's perceived version of Lestat always made me think he could feel the presence of Louis' memories as well. Armand seems ready to jump into clean-up mode, but what exactly is he trying to cover up? But I still fall for their falling into each other the same way I did when I read the book— I will forever have a soft spot for Louis and Armand, and both Anderson and Zaman bring forth the same feel has me thoroughly enchanted.
But this episode shines the brightest spotlight on Claudia. I love how vocal she is in making her feelings known, even if it might not be her good things. That is the problem. I cannot imagine how much Lestat traumatized her, considering we have seen what Louis is dealing with himself. I love her interactions with Santiago and Santiago makes me believe he truly feels for Claudia, but then there is a venom to him that makes me not trust him, but in a more feral way than Armand. Armand seems more of a controlling problem. Both Santiago's and Claudia's actions had me screaming at the TV as they could hear me. The way that things are coming together: Santiago finding Claudia's journals and Armand's picture; Claudia finding a human friend and learning Armand knows about Lestat; and Louis coming up with a plan to help Armand that we have yet to learn about. There is so much going on, and things are about to explode.
I do have to say, just as much as I love Armand and Louis, I love the scenes and interactions between Louis and his mind version of Lestat: their back and forth are as heated as they are toxic. I need there to be a Lestat in the present because my heart will not be able to take the happiness. I loved the scene in the park when Louis decided to move on and how it was represented. I feel like everything is coming together at the theater and so it will fall into place what happened during the first interview. I am so excited to find out next week because I have so many questions and I have a feeling some might be answered. This show has me under a spell and I am enjoying every single second of it.