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Sakamoto Days S01E04 "Hard-Boiled" Review: Amusement Park Trouble

A day at an amusement park turns out to be light on the amusement but heavy on the danger in Netflix's Sakamoto Days S01E04: "Hard-Boiled."

The fourth installment of Netflix's Sakamoto Days, "Hard-Boiled," was another fun episode to add to the mix. And deeper into the Sakamoto lore we go! I do not know why I thought the trip to Sugar Park would be over with fending off two assassins. What was I thinking? I like the dynamics and interactions; they are such a great balance of wholesomeness and plain badass.

Shin had managed to successfully take out the blue-haired poison dude and have him tied up while Lu Shaotang administered the antidote. Since he refused to talk, Lu threatened to use his own poison against him while disposing of the antidote. It worked. We find out it is part of the same organization Shin and Sakamoto used to be part of. They even have IDs, which I found so funny for some reason. Like, hey, let me carry proof of my crimes. I also laughed when Lu made fun of Shin's picture.

Sakamoto Days S01E04 "Hard-Boiled"
SAKAMOTO DAYS (Image: Netflix Screencap)

Things get quickly interrupted as Sakamoto's wife and child approach them, so they have to put on a facade. They did pretty well and covered it well. I was surprised that Tatsu, the poison dude, played along to being part of the show. Sakamoto's daughter was so cute coming back to give him a bandaid. My heart. Watch him take a step back to evaluate like Shin did. At least, I hope he does.

Aoi seems to suspect something since the three of them keep acting weird, but they manage to distract her. However, the next attraction Aoi and Hana want to go to is a horror mansion. So, of course, you can only imagine that this would be the perfect opportunity to use fake horror to hide how there is a whole lot of very real horror coming their way. We know they are about to be bombarded with threats, which they manage to successfully fend off for the most part. Until the two assassins who had spoken to Tatsu appeared in the game, Boiled and Obiguro. Obiguro captures Shin and threatens to chop him up to get Lu to put up a fight, but she just starts crying.

Suddenly, Sakamoto is off fighting Boiled, who used to be an old friend… sort of. Now, he is just sore about the way Sakamoto treated him and cannot even pretend to remember his name. The fight starts getting good, and just as Boiled thinks he has the upper hand, Sakamoto promises to get serious. I wonder where things will go from here and if Aoi will wake up before they manage to defeat Boiled and Obiguro.

Sakamoto Days Season 1 Episode 4: "Hard-Boiled"

Sakamoto Days S01E04 "Hard-Boiled"
Review by Alejandra Bodden

The fourth installment of Netflix's Sakamoto Days, "Hard-Boiled," was another fun episode to add to the mix. And deeper into the Sakamoto lore we go! I do not know why I thought the trip to Sugar Park would be over with fending off two assassins. What was I thinking? I like the dynamics and interactions; they are such a great balance of wholesomeness and plain badass.

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