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Loki Director Kate Herron Talks Consistent Style, Character & Emotion
WARNING! The "Major Spoilers Ahead!" Sign is On for "Loki" E02!
Loki is shaping up to be one of the more interesting Marvel Cinematic Universe shows. By the time episode two rolls around, we are starting to see the different time periods that the show is going to explore. However, unlike WandaVision which changed everything from the directing to the cinematography to fit the era they were in, there aren't any stylist changes in Loki when they go to a new time period. We got the chance to speak to director Kate Herron about the decision to keep a consistent style throughout the show and dropped a reference in episode two that is going to surprise people.
"Honestly, I suppose it links a bit to my style and the style of the show and my team, but I think I'm always driven by character and emotion in that sense," Herron explained. "And I think with Loki because he's our lead in this show and we're kind of seeing this new part of the MCU through his eyes. And I think I'm always kind of led by that. And I suppose that there's a mystery running through the show. I mean, Autumn, my DP, we're really inspired by film noir and detective stories. And [David] Fincher is a key reference for us, like Seven. There's even a reference to Seven in episode two, which I'm not sure was a film people thought would be referenced in a Disney+ show.
"But I think that for me, it was keeping that feel consistent as you go along the ride with Loki and how he feels about things," she continued. "Because he is our POV that kind of what grounds it. And then we do have some different looks and styles to it. I guess it was it's really weird, sometimes you don't consciously think about these things. But I think, honestly, I was always framing it as this big detective story in my head. So that's why it has a consistent kind of look to it. But I loved what they did on WandaVision; I thought was super cool. I guess it's the good thing about these shows; we're just doing something a little bit different in Loki."
It makes sense considering the director that Herron appears to be going in. WandaVision needed to change because the setting was so integral to the plot. However, while Loki does deal with time travel, the specific time periods aren't as relevant to the show as a whole. Herron clearly has a strong vision for what she wants the show to be and it's going to be interesting to see it play out. Watch the rest of our interview with Herron below.
Loki streams new episodes on Wednesdays on Disney+.
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