Posted in: Adult Swim, Review, Rick and Morty, TV | Tagged: Adult Swim, dan harmon, Justin Roiland, Review, rick and morty, Season 6
Rick and Morty Season 6 Ep. 6 Review: It's All The Dinosaurs' Fault!
Welcome back to our weekly review of Dan Harmon & Justin Roiland's Rick and Morty Season 6, as we take look at just how much world peace has become an inconvenience for Beth. In the promo for S06E06 "Juricksic Mort," we learn that the dinosaurs have returned to check in on how things are going with their Earth outpost. Ouch. They end up calling humanity's bluff about wanting nothing but peace, love & understanding (which isn't funny, btw) by eradicating poverty & war, eliminating the need for money or work, and essentially turning the planet into a utopia where folks can just hang out & do whatever they want. Leaving everyone… well… as Rick puts it? Suddenly everyone's now… a "Jerry." So with that in mind, we're going to do a deep dive into this week's episode to appreciate all of the ways Rick and/or the Smiths will find a way to f**k things up for the entire planet because something inconveniences them. But before we do, we're throwing on the "MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!" sign and throwing down an image spoiler buffer. See you on the other side!
Rick and Morty Season 6 Ep. 6 "Juricksic Mort" Thoughts & Observations
I love that the promo shows Mr. Goldenfold and Morty's classmates have protocols in place for when he shows up reminds me of that time during the third season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when the students from Sunnydale High finally let Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and the rest of the "Scooby Gang" know that they hadn't been oblivious to all the crazy stuff going on around the school (like classmates dying and a Hellmouth). Except Buffy's classmates rallied to her side to fight The Mayor's (Harry Groener) forces. Morty's teachers & classmates? Yeah, it looks like they've had enough of Rick and Morty's crap…
LOL Subtle "mysterious rift" reminder, while portal travel is still… questionable.
I'm not the only one who thinks Rick doesn't know how to fix portal travel, am I? Or maybe… he's afraid?
"Monkeys went bald?" Yup, pretty much how I would've expected it to go if Space Dinos checked us out.
LOL "Humanity: Sucks at Running Earth, Great at Making Marvel Movies"
In the "New World Order," Jerry is king…? Why do I have a feeling that Jerry's written his own "guide to life"?
Is it weird that it makes me feel good knowing that Rick is The President's drug dealer? And I'm all about their twisted friendship and that Rick wants to host the Oscars.
Uh-oh. Rick is about to feel lesser, and that's not a good thing. So now, Rick has a vendetta not because he wants to save humanity as he does because they made him feel small. His pride had him reject their offer to fix his portal gun and close the rift. So right now, it looks like Rick's in the lead for selfish POS in this episode. But I did like the quick reference he made to the rift being canon-important. Hmmm… that's two ten-ton teases about the mysterious rift's importance…
That said, I also agree with Rick. Those Space Dinos are up to something… and is one of them voiced by Lisa Kudrow?
Ouch. A shot at Marvel movies and now at the "Jurassic Park" franchise.
Rick Sanchez < Tony Hawk
Never Trying, Never Fails is Jerry's book that the Space Dinos are giving out to everyone… but not giving him credit. Needless to say? Jerry isn't too pleased.
LOL So a race of sentient rocks has been waging war for years against the Space Dinos, hitting planets to eliminate all of the Space Dinos' work. So after having to endure a media press tour to make their case, the Space Dinos leave to save the planet.
The President is all about the "molly," and Rick got to host the Oscars.
"Even that one thing…" Do you think that's Chris Rock/Will Smith they're talking about?
But in that last moment, Rick travels to Mars to be with the Space Dinos as they prepare to die. And yet, they're still arguing because why not?
Wow, they fixed the rift? Hmmm… interested to see the repercussions of that.
Oh, wow! Portal travel is back! But… that easily? I know Rick said he had a "process," but… something seems off. But at least we learn that Space Dinos can grind and shred! Oh, and one last thing?
No New Rick and Morty Until November 20th!
Season 6 Episode 6 "Juricksic Mort" Final Verdict
In Adult Swim's Rick and Morty Season 6 Episode 6 "Juricksic Mort," we're treated to another example of Rick's ego & pride screwing up a potentially great situation. Thankfully, it actually turned out to be the right call. But in the bigger picture? It was a not-so-friendly reminder that as much as we collectively say we want a utopian life, drama is too integrated into our DNA to ever allow that to last… at least, not for very long. Oh, and how quickly we take that resentment and direct it at those who were trying to help. An interesting, almost stand-alone episode that wasn't as epic as the previous chapters but offered some sharp societal insights. As for Rick and Morty getting portal travel back? That was a surprise move at the end of the episode, one that has me itching for more details.