Posted in: Paramount+, Star Trek, streaming, TV | Tagged: jeri ryan, Liam Shaw, seven of nine, star trek, Star Trek Picard, Terry Matalas, Todd Stashwick
Star Trek: Picard Showrunner Shares Alternate Shaw/Seven of Nine Scene
Star Trek Picard showrunner Terry Matalas shared an alternate Season 3 scene between Captain Liam Shaw & Cmdr. Seven of Nine on the Titan.
It's hard to argue that the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard might be the best of the Paramount+ era. One of the reasons why is not only the presence of franchise veterans like stars Patrick Stewart and Jeri Ryan, but also the return of the Next Generation cast and the new cast additions, especially the U.S.S. Titan-A Captain Liam Shaw, played by Todd Stashwick. Much of the credit goes to showrunner Terry Matalas, who worked with Stashwick on Star Trek: Enterprise and SYFY's 12 Monkeys. Matalas shared an alternate death scene with Shaw. Both scenes showed Shaw sharing his respect for his former first officer by finally calling her by her preferred name in "Seven of Nine."
Star Trek: Todd Stashwick's & Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine Scene
Setting up the scene, we had the Federation fleet, including the Titan, overrun by the Borg, who mass assimilated anyone 25 and younger thanks to DNA extracted from Jean-Luc Picard's (Stewart) original body as a catalyst to spread through the ship's computer. The remaining crew trying to fight the others off included Shaw, Seven, and Raffi (Michelle Hurd). Shaw gets mortally wounded in the crossfire. His final words in the original scene to Seven are, "It's not my ship anymore. It's yours…you have the conn…Seven of Nine." The alternate scene swaps the final line to "It's yours…don't touch my stuff…Seven of Nine." While the alternate line is on brand with Shaw for his humor, the right choice was made.
Setting things in motion was an encoded distress signal sent by the former chief medical officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise D in Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) to her former captain, now admiral. In her message, she stresses not to get Starfleet involved, so Jean-Luc recruits his former first officer of the Enterprise, Cmdr. Will Riker, to join him on the Titan – and having a special contact in First Officer Seven, but keeping their mission a secret. As the season progresses, the crew reunites and unravels a Changeling conspiracy that leads directly to the Borg.