Posted in: Amazon Studios, Preview, streaming, Trailer, TV, YouTube | Tagged: Aisha Tyler, Amazon Prime, amc, bleeding cool, butcher, cable, jeffrey dean morgan, preview, prime video, season 2, streaming, Supernatural, supes, teaser, television, the boys, the cw, The Seven, The Walking Dead, trailer, tv
The Boys: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Makes Supernatural, TWD Comparisons
So the last time we checked in with The Walking Dead star (and hopefully future cast member) Jeffrey Dean Morgan, he was a guest on Prime Rewind: Inside The Boys and waxing poetically about Love Sausage (Andrew Jackson). But Morgan was far from done with being a helluva' impressive guest on the Aisha Tyler-hosted Amazon Prime aftershow, connecting the dots with Tyler between his role as John Winchester on Supernatural and his role as Negan on The Walking Dead with Karl Urban's Butcher.
In the clip below, Tyler and Morgan discuss how The Boys and The Walking Dead both address human nature and show how individuals would act if they lived in a society with no rules. In the former, we have a look at how supes act and are treated; while in the latter, you have examples like the Saviors or Whisperers who use that "societal rules" vacuum to attempt to create a "new norm" in their image. Following that, the two discuss the similarities between Butcher and John Winchester from Supernatural, and how both men live/lived lives fueled with rage and a need for vengeance that consumed or will consume them.
Earlier this month, Kripke addressed the status of Morgan possibly joining the series in the third season, a prospect made much more realistic several months ago when the two appeared to be negotiating a deal via Twitter. But as productions begin gearing back up again from COVID shutdowns and find themselves dealing with new timelines, Morgan might not be available. "I will caution everybody that COVID could really screw that [Morgan appearing] up because he's a regular on another show. He is on 'The Walking Dead,' so he can only come up for a couple of days. If there's still a two-week quarantine between Canada and the United States, that renders that impossible." With that said, Kripke isn't saying there's still hope. "Of the many things COVID is screwing up in this world, a Jeffrey Dean Morgan cameo or a Jeffrey Dean Morgan role may be one of them," Kripke explained. "But if the quarantine is removed and a couple of things break our way? Then yeah, we'll try to figure it out."
So with two episodes left, we have a teaser for the penultimate episode "Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker" that finds a number of paths getting closer to colliding. Butcher (Karl Urban) decides to take a trip down Homelander's memory lane, while Annie gets outed and has no choice but to join our heroes. Meanwhile, Lamplighter (Shawn Ashmore) begins his redemption arc (assuming his passcode works and he doesn't get himself or Jack Quaid's Hughie killed), and Homelander (Antony Starr) plans to make a family with Stormfront (Aya Cash) and son Ryan (Cameron Crovetti) – whether Becca (Shantel VanSanten) likes it or not.