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The Rob Liefeld Backlash Backlash
Everyone and their mother has linked to the "hilarious moment" where a couple of Liefeld haters found it hilarious to first, ask Rob Liefeld to apologise for Heroes Reborn, then present him with a copy of How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way. Oh my sides. What some have missed however are some of the celebrity comments that follow…
Skottie Young: How small of a man are you? Grow up and have a little class.
John Layman: A monumentally fuckheaded thing to do. That Rob didn't jump up and punch you in your fucking chump face speaks volumes to how much class that guy has– and that you don't.
Cameron Stewart: I'm a professional comic artist, and I attend conventions often. Most of the time the experience I have with fans is pleasant and courteous, but there's usually one or two who are so clueless of how to interact with people in a respectful and polite manner that it spoils the otherwise fun day. So you don't like Rob Liefeld, big deal. His work isn't to my tastes either but I would never dream of trying to publicly humiliate him in person. He's taken the time and expense to come to that show to ply his trade – just as you work at your job – and interact with the people who DO appreciate his work and presence. He's not there for you to be snide and condescending and to be the recipient of your asinine, half-witted pranks. I'm sure you got a big kick out of it (I love how you describe yourself as shaking and sweaty because you "can't process that much awesome" instead of it being because you're cowardly and nervous), and you probably high-fived your friends and giggled all the way home to write your smug blog report, but what you did was classless and childish. I guarantee you that this blog post is making the rounds of the pro community (another pro artist forwarded it to me, and *not* because he thought it was a hilarious prank), and thanks to your readily-identifiable yellow hat, you've marked yourself as someone to avoid at cons. Well done.
Cully Hamner: There isn't a thing I could say that hasn't already been said by everyone else who thinks you acted like a monumental prick– but I sure would like to add my name to the list.
Pia Guerra: I'm not a fan of his work but dude, that's fucking douchebaggery.
Mark Allen Haverty: Whether you love or hate his work, time after time Rob Liefeld has shown himself to be an incredibly engaging and generous artist to his fans. You decided you wanted to be an douchebag and insult him in front of all of them. There's no time to do it for next month's Wizard, but if I ever decide to pull the Top Ten Writers list to make room for a Top Ten Fanboy Assholes list, I'll be sure to put you at No. 1. No one should ever have to apologize for a piece of artwork someone else doesn't like. Everyone should apologize for behaviour like yours.
(Actually that's a good idea. Maybe I should steal it)
Brandon Jerwa: Utterly classless in every way. Do yourself a favor: step away from your role as King Internet for a minute, pick up the phone and call your mother and grandmother. Recount the entire event for them – or better yet, just send them the link so they don't miss a detail – and see if they think you're awesome.
For me, there is nothing more rewarding than having a constructive conversation with a fan who doesn't completely agree with how you approached a particular project. It's a great way to learn about other people's opinions and perceptions. You, sir, are the one-in-a-thousand miserable turd that can ruin an otherwise enjoyable day of giving time back to the people who spend their time and money supporting your work. Congratulations on your achievement.
Jamal Igle: Just because someone doesn't like what an artist does, it neither gives him the right to be rude and insulting. We go to conventions because we want to meet our fans and because we're fans as well who are lucky enough to become creators. I'm with Cameron and John on this one. No one forces you to buy a comic book. no one forces you to go to conventions and no one forces you to genuflect to any creator. This is a hobby that's supposed to be fun, remember that?
Ryan, I don't know what you were thinking, I'm not a mind reader and I can only go by what you've presented here. Maybe you thought he'd laugh it off or maybe you wanted the reaction you wanted. I'm not a blowhard, I'm not going to get into a game of"If you did that to me.." Because I try to be as open to people as possible. However I would have been just as insulted.
Jimmie Robinson: As someone who does a book both loved and hated I can relate to Rob. And to be bloody honest the fact he doesn't get upset over "fans" like this year-after-year speaks volumes about his character. But this goes beyond Rob, because in effect Mr.-Yellow-Hat-to-be-avoided is also disrespecting the opinions of others who DO like his work and his style. I've met and spoken with Rob a LOT. At the Image booth we hang out all the time. He is a nice person and he has a LOT of fans. He's always busy doing commissions for the fans, art for charity auctions, reviewing portfolios and signing his books.
Let him do his job, please. Joke or not, it's not helping comics.
Joe Jusko: The only impression you made on Rob was to make him think you're a douchebag and instantly dismiss you. Sad.
Mark Brooks: You sir are a sad sad sad excuse for a human being. To label you simply as a coward would be too kind. You are a mean sad lump of grouped together cells and I couldn't be happier that this is making the rounds to nearly everyone in the industry. Even the great George Perez in his infinite taste has shunned you. Get the message dude, this kind of behavior is neither funny or cutting edge. It's just more evidence that some people shouldn't be allowed to leave their house. Congrats on not only telling everyone that you are a nutless dick but proving it with pictures and bad video. Bravo.
Alex Grecian: Ah, I started writing a long response to this silliness, but erased it. Pia Guerre summed it all up with "douchebaggery."
I feel much sadder for you than I do Rob. I'm sure he had bright spots in his day despite your efforts, but this was apparently as good as it got for you.
Ben Morse: You owe Rob an apology, dude.
B Clay Moore: Congratulations on documenting how to behave like a dick at cons.
Sadly, I imagine all the attention is simply propping Yellow Hat up for more whacky stunts involving his huge disappointment that pretend people created for the enjoyment of children and wearing underwear on the outside haven't been treated with the respect he feels they deserve.
When's he going after Disney for fucking up Winnie-the-Pooh?
Ron Marz: Classless and clueless.
I don't know Rob at all, and I don't care for his work at all. But this actually has nothing to do with Rob's work; this has to do with the common courtesy and respect should give ANYONE you don't know. It also has to do with your inability to separate comic books from real people. Short version: you need to grow up.
It's fortunate for you that you pulled this kind of cowardly stunt at a comic convention. Because such asshole behavior in most other social settings would get you deservedly punched in chops. You should be thankful Rob was decent enough to ignore you, rather than hand you your ass. The next pro might not be so forgiving.
Ethan Van Sciver: Congratulations. We're all sitting ducks for this kind of stupid behavior, putting work on hold for a few days to come and sign your comics and shake your hands instead of taking a nice family vacation. So if you'd like to be horribly, childishly rude to any of us, it isn't hard, and most of us will sit and be polite so as not to disrupt the REAL comic fan's enjoyment of the convention. Rob Liefeld has clearly perfected one art, at least, and that's the art of suffering fools.
Next time don't you yourself be in the photographs. You look like a twat.
Any more for any more? This is more fun than the Hyatt.