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Rock 'N' Roll Comics Splits From Bluewater
If you thought Alex Segura's tweets yesterday were a little disingenuous, check out this sentence…
Though we're not renewing with Bluewater, the collaboration went well.
That's from Jay Allen Sanford of Rock 'N' Roll Comics, who have been republishing their music biography comics through Bluewater. It seems a rather contradictory quote. Like…
Though we are getting divorced, the marriage went well. Though I am sending this steak back, the meat went well. Though we are not renewing this TV series, it performed well in the ratings.
In the rest of the piece, Sanford is no more forthcoming, saying only;
There won't be any new Bluewater reprints or collections of the 300-plus comics originally published out of Hillcrest and (later) Miramar from the late 1980s though the mid-1990s.
We did seven books with Bluewater… An eighth book, Rock 'N' Roll Cartoon History: The Sixties, remains unpublished.
Jay tells me that they are "concentrating on digital repurposing of the best RevCom material ("best" being an admittedly small percentage of our 300-plus comic output) instead of further licensing print editions" but not why they are splitting from Bluewater in total, leaving would should be free money on the table. If indeed Bluewater have been paying them…
Jay tells me "The Bluewater deal was never about money. The comics reprinted by Bluewater had already made massive profits two decades ago. By reprinting, we got to treat several of the original creators to some unexpected contemporary swag above and beyond their original contracts, as well as reviving awareness of the "brand" thanks to Bluewater footing the bills and doing the promotions.
"Now that the Bluewater books and the documentary film and DVD have gotten Revolutionary Comics some modern day cred and attention, Todd Loren's father and I would rather handle any and all future repurposing of the RevCom material."