Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, jupiter's legacy, Kick Ass, Mark Millar, millarworld, mph, nemesis, secret service, starlight, superior, unfunnies, war heroes
Mark Millar Explains How All The Millarworld Books Tie-In Together – Wanted, Kick Ass, Jupiter's Legacy, Superior, Nemesis, MPH, Supercrooks And More – But No News Yet On The Unfunnies (UPDATE)
(UPDATE: Now with sourced visuals)
We ran an article about this on Bleeding Cool this morning. But now Mark Millar has gone official on how he sees all his Millarworld titles tying together.
Okay, here we go. I've waited literally YEARS so I could tell you this.
Now Kick-Ass wraps today and explains it all. Basically, the books fit into each other as so…
*WANTED explains how the world used to have superheroes, but in 1986 they were all defeated and the bad guys made us magically forget the heroes ever existed in the first place. We remember the heroes simply as pop-culture characters, that red cape hanging up in the Professor's lair at the end of Wanted #2 belonging to…
*The Utopian from JUPITER'S LEGACY. Jup's Leg is a series of movies and comics that exist in the real world and which Superman and all the Superman imitators over the years have been an attempt to remember. But the Utopian is the one who actually existed, though he now only exists as a comic-book and (COMING SOON as it says on the boards) movie character.
*KICK-ASS is about a kid who lives in this world without heroes, but who loves them so much that he BECOMES one. The bad guys rule the Earth, posing as billionaires and world leaders, but Dave still loves and believes in heroes. He's the tipping point. He's the beginning of the next generation of these guys and as we saw in the closing pages of Kick-Ass 3 #8 the SUPER-POWERED characters who replace him are starting to appear. A kind of superhero Darwinism, probability increasing the chances of more superheroes exponentially with every one that appears. The first of these is…
*NEMESIS who is referred to here in the closing pages as the cop killer in Japan.
*MPH who are referred to here as the four kids breaking the sound barrier on foot
*And finally SUPERIOR. Simon, the kid with MS who stars in the book, can be seen leaving the theatre near the end of this issue, Dave holding the door open for he and his friend, essentially passing the hero baton along for him to pick up and then we pull back to see the opening scene in Superior where Simon and Chris are exiting Superior 5. Superior is another character who will appear in JUPITER'S LEGACY at some point as this is the magical world where he's summoned from in the story and…
*…SUPERCROOKS takes place in this world too, hence the two posters on the cinema wall.
*All the other books tie together too but there's a LOT more too this and a big plan I've had in mind for a few years. This is everything all nicely set up, but what's also nice is that you don't need to read all the books to understand. THAT SAID, reading them all will only make you appreciate the big picture all the more.
MMPS Even the books not mentioned will connect as the series continue. Yes, even American Jesus. But only in the most subtle and unobtrusive way. Nobody's going to be flying around when I do that final volume in a couple of years, besides maybe a few angels in the apocalypse. Stay tuned. It's all part of the plan…
Does that include Unfunnies, Mark? That's always the one that gets no love. Millar also adds,
What I like about this is that we essentially have two universes. Like DC and Marvel. If I want to write about a fictional world filled with superheroes I have the Jup's Leg line, where the stories are more outrageous, and if I want to go very real I have the ones in the kinda real world like Kick-Ass and MPH. In a way it's like Earth 1 and Earth 2. But you can read every book entirely self-contained. I think that's very important.