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NYCC: The Death Of Wolverine Panel And What's Next
Jake Barlow writes for Bleeding Cool:
So have you heard Wolverine is dying? Charles Soule is leading the charge with Steve McNiven and Wolverine will become worm food this coming Wednesday with the release of Death Of Wolverine #4, and we're reliably informed he won't be coming back any time soon. That aside, if you thought that means Marvel aren't going to be publishing anything with any relation to Wolverine, you are mistaken…hugely.
The panel was moderated by X-Men group editor Mike Marts and featured Charles Soule, Brian Michael Bendis, Katie Kubert, Peter David, Gerry Duggan, Greg Pak and Jordan White. Things kicked off with Bendis discussing the upcoming events in All New X-Men, with the original X-Men trapped in the ultimate universe and Uncanny X-Men where the wider Marvel universe is set to get involved with The Last Will & Testament Of Charles Xavier, before moving to discussions about the upcoming Spider-Man & The X-Men, with Katie Kubert explaining that we'll see Peter Parker try to become a teacher at the Jean Grey school and the antics that will follow.
The real meat of the panel was the announcement that Marvel will be following in DC's footsteps by releasing a new weekly title called "Wolverines" starting in January next year. The book will be written by Charles Soule with Ray Fawkes and drawn by up and comer Nick Bradshaw. There were no other artist announced so it seems that Nick Bradshaw is the only one. Quite how that's humanly possible on a weekly book remains to be seen! According to Soule the book will be very episodic with cliffhangers every week and will center around characters close to Wolverine and their continuing adventures. Thanks to the nature of a weekly title, Soule explained that it opens up the wider Marvel universe and gives opportunities to showcase characters who might not get a lot of page time otherwise. Fing Fang Foom was mentioned…
Soule also talked about the Logan's Legacy and Weapon X Program books that will be following the Death of Wolverine and informed readers that these stories are a pretty large part of the bigger picture of a world without Wolverine and that Weapon X Program will feature all new characters (one of which to be introduced in Death Of Wolverine #4) who were used as lab-rats by the Weapon X program and are now on the run. Soule sees it as Runaways meets Frankenstein.
Gerry Duggan's Deadpool got big cheers and the already announced Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America got even bigger ones as Duggan explained that the book will be a spiritual successor to the third arc of his main Deadpool run: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, with an ending nobody will be expecting, apparently. There were also huge cheers for Peter David's
All New X-Factor and Deadpool's Art of War. On the topic of new Deadpool books, Return Of The Living Deadpools was announced by Cullen Bunn & Nicole Virella, picking up where Night Of The Living Deadpools left off earlier this year. As every zombie that bites Deadpool turns into a Deadpool, there are now quite a few Deadpools roaming the world. I love Deadpool but if I ever have to type the word "Deadpool" again it will be too soon.
The panel closed with a few fan questions and overall, it promised that while Wolverine may be dead, his legacy will live for ever.