Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, dan didio, dc, greg capullo, scott snyder, super-mega-crossover events
Heroes Vs. Heroes? Not In Snyder And Capullo's Batman Summer Super-Mega-Crossover Event
Bleeding Cool has kept you up to speed on DC's upcoming Batman-centric super-mega-crossover event from the superstar creative team of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's biceps. But while we're all excited to see Snyder and Capullo reunite, what's more exciting is their revolutionary take on the super-mega-crossover event. According to an interview Snyder gave to CBR as a belated Christmas gift earlier this week, the event eschew super-mega-crossover event tradition and – please make sure you're sitting down for this – it won't be grim and gritty.
"Greg calls it our Batman heavy metal rock opera," Snyder said of the event, the name of which has not been revealed yet. "It's going to be a big, epic Batman story with flaming armor, an over-the-top capstone to a lot of the stuff that we've done with him."
But Snyder really blew our minds when he said, "What I want this one to be is different. I want it built out of the stories happening now and creating new material and giving everybody a place to tell stories that fit what they're doing on their books, and feels really modern and different and above all fun."
Whoa! Hold your horses, Scott. When you say you want the event to be "fun," what you mean is that you want it to be gruesome and depressing and feature heroes ripping the arms off other heroes and characters dying and all the "fun" stuff we've come to expect from super-mega-crossover events, right? Right??
"I don't want it to be grim," Snyder incredulously reiterated in the interview. "I don't want it to be superheroes arguing over something. Superheroes won't be fighting superheroes."
Oh, sorry, we literally fainted after reading that line. Took us a second to climb back up to our keyboard.
Did Scott Snyder really just say that there won't be heroes fighting heroes in his and Greg Capullo's DC Summer Batman super-mega-crossover event? Heroes fighting heroes is the most essential part of the entire super-mega-crossover event concept! How can Batman be expected to become (even more of) a fascist during the super-mega-crossover event if he isn't attacking, maiming, and killing his fellow heroes for shock value? This defies everything we thought we knew about comics. Nothing makes sense any more.
"I want it to be celebratory, and huge, and crazy," Snyder concluded. "I am going for out of control dinosaurs and lasers. It should be fun."
What is this… fun… that you speak of?