Posted in: Games | Tagged: PETA, warhammer
PETA Complains About Plastic Figurines Wearing Fur While The Rest Of The World Laughs At The Irony
PETA has made themselves relevant for the second time in as many weeks by sending a complaint to Games Workshop that they stop designing Warhammer figurines that wear fur according to a report from Kotaku. PETA acknowledges that the Space Marines aren't real but that the mere presence of fur says that "draping them in what looks like a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable – when, in fact, it has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000."
They also note that "nothing on the bloody battlefields of Warhammer's conflict-ravaged universe could match the terrible reality that foxes, minks, rabbits, and other living beings experience at the hands of the fur trade." This is the second time PETA has come after a entertainment property this month after they condemned the movie A Dog's Purpose for animal abuse allegations after a video surfaced of a dog being thrown into water for a stunt.
The idea that PETA has any right to throw around allegations that plastic figurines is somehow a bad thing is hilarious considering their track record with killing domestic animals and pets. In 2005 two PETA employees were charged with 62 counts (31 each) of animal cruelty after they were caught dumping the bodies of euthanized pets in dumpsters. In 2013 The Huffington Post wrote a major article talking about the nearly 30,000 healthy dogs and cats that PETA has killed.
PETA kills these animals because, according to their own site, "we believe that it would have been in the animals' best interests if the institution of "pet keeping"—i.e., breeding animals to be kept and regarded as "pets"—never existed." That means no dogs, no cats, and no companion animals at all. That is why they kill unwanted and homeless pets; they don't believe they should exist.
PETA does not care about animals or animal rights and the idea that we should be outraged about Warhammer figures is hilarious if it wasn't so depressing. If you want to truly help animals donate to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® or the World Wildlife Fund.