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Frank Miller, Bringing Back Bruno To The Dark Knight III: The Master Race
Well, you can't have a title such as The Master Race without a little overt Nazi imagery. Such as bringing back Bruno.
In The Dark Knight Returns, she was the swastika sporting topless powerhouse girlfriend of the mutant leader.
For a panel we also saw her in All-Star Batman And Robin The Boy Wonder, working for the Joker.
And in Dark Knight III: The Master Race we see her as a gang leader in charge of many Jokers.
And in the tip-in mini-comic, drawn by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson again.
Yes, it's called Detective Comics #1. To be fair, there's been a lot of that recently…
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #8, the penultimate issue, is published today by DC Comics, by Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, Klaus Janson and Andy Kubert.