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Kid Lobotomy By Peter Milligan And Tess Fowler – First Comic From Shelly Bond's Black Crown Imprint (UPDATE)
Announced at Wondercon at the IDW Panel… Shelly Bond's new imprint Black Crown welcomes its first title. The first in a number of comics teaming seasoned pros with relative newcomers to the comics industry.
And we start with Kid Lobotomy by Peter Milligan and Tess Fowler. A gothic horror, coming in October…
Kid, as he's affectionately referred to, is the youngest descendant of a strange, overbearing hotelier. While he sports rock star good looks, Kid Lobotomy has more in common with Hannibal than Morrissey in his prime. Unsuspecting hotel guests who check in to "The Suites" are in danger of losing more than their luggage. Living up to his name, Kid has shed a few brain cells in his day, which naturally makes him qualified to perform a lobotomy or two. And why let those brain bits go to waste when he can use them to help — or unwittingly harm — his subjects? Ultimately, Kid hopes to restore some of his sanity. But can he survive the truth about his cursed lineage and face what runs rampant throughout the torturous hotel hallways? Simply put, you've never read anything like this.