Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, HRL
79 Panels For Baltimore Comic-Con, With Marvel, DC, Image, Boom, Valiant, And Dynamite
Baltimore Comic-Con 2017 is held at the Baltimore Convention Center on the weekend of September 22nd to the 24th. I'll be at Thought Bubble in London, but Bleeding Cool will have a couple of correspondents reporting from the show. Though with this programming lineup, they're only going to get a sliver…
(Please note, all times and panels shown are subject to change.)
Room 339-342
2:00-3:00 – Valiant Spotlight: Matt Kindt
One of the most-lauded creative minds in the industry today, Matt Kindt is a true visionary of the comics medium. From his creator-owned series — like Mind Mgmt, Dept. H, Grass Kings, Ether, and dozens more — to his work at the forefront of the Valiant comics line — including X-O Manowar, Divinity, Ninjak, and the upcoming Harbinger Wars 2 — join the New York Times best-selling and Eisner Award-nominated writer/artist for a wide-ranging discussion of his work, present, and future.
3:30-4:15 – Frank Miller Spotlight
From Daredevil to Ronin to Batman: The Dark Knight Returns to Sin City to Dark Knight III: The Master Race, creator Frank Miller has left an indelible mark on modern comics. Join Frank, frequent collaborator Klaus Janson, and moderator Dan DiDio for an engaging panel. You'll kick yourself if you miss it.
4:30-5:30 – Archie Comics: Riverdale Revealed
Celebrate the new era of Archie Comics as we take a look at the next wave of exciting Archie Comics titles and look ahead to the second season of The CW's hit new show Riverdale! Featuring a panel of all-star writers and artists including Mark Waid, Dan Parent, Alex Segura, and Joe Eisma!
Room 343-344
2:00-3:00 – How to Kill Zombies
The RIGHT way to kill a zombie! From chainsaws to helicopter blades, novelist Peter Meredith hosts a light-hearted panel discussion on the many ways found in literature and film to slay the undead.
3:15-4:15 – The Power of Magic and the Magic of Memory
Learn about magic in comics, its roots in reality, and the magic of memory. Chris Miskiewicz (Thomas Alsop) will talk about the magical mythology of New York City, and Dean Haspiel (The Red Hook) will preview his upcoming webcomic War Cry, showing how transfiguration can deliver powerful moments in storytelling. Sarah Trustman (The Memory Arts) will discuss using comics to teach real-world magic and give a demonstration of the same memory techniques that appear so fantastic that using them got people burned as witches. And, David Trustman (The Rise) will discuss his controversial graphic novel God Slap and its modern take on religious magic.
4:30-5:30 – The Jimmy & Amanda Panel
Get to know Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti in an interactive panel where the audience gets to talk to the guests about their work and lives, in an intimate getting-to-know-you setting. Listen to them talk about their current work on Harley Quinn and what the future has in store for them both.
Room 345-346
2:00-3:00 – Writing Across Genres
Ever wonder how a comic book writer can write so many different types of stories all seemingly at the same time? Join Charles Soule (Darth Vader, Curse Words, Astonishing X-Men), James Tynion IV (The Woods, Detective Comics, The Eighth Seal), Amy Chu (KISS, Red Sonja, Poison Ivy), and Tom King (Batman, The Sheriff of Babylon, Vision) as they talk about how they manage to write so many types of genres at the same time. Moderated by Christy Blanch.
3:15-4:15 – #DARETOBEHEROIC With Dynamite
Villains don't stand a chance this fall as Dynamite unleashes our team of all-star creators and unites some of comics' most iconic heroes in what's certain to be some of the hottest releases of the season. Join us as we discuss the anatomy of crafting a true hero!
4:30-5:30 – Shared Universes
Ever since the Human Torch met the Sub-Mariner, comics have had shared universes for better or worse. A panel of experienced veterans – Mark Buckingham, Terry Moore, Peter J. Tomasi, and Meredith Finch — who have worked in and out of these universes discuss the pros and cons with moderator Robert Greenberger.
Room 347-348
2:00-3:00 – Super-Blank: The Game Show
Get ready to match the comics stars! Strikingly similar to the classic TV game show, The Match Game, a panel of comics "celebrities" will fill in the blanks as contestants from the audience try to match them for points and prizes! With: Lora Innes (The Dreamer, Wynonna Earp), Brian "Smitty" Smith (Stuff of Legend, Tree Mail), Brian Joines (Bill & Ted, Imaginary Agents, Krampus), and more! Hosted by Gregg Schigiel (Pix, SpongeBob Comics, Stuff Said podcast).
3:15-4:15 – What is the Kirby Museum
Join founding trustee Rand Hoppe as he shows what the Jack Kirby Museum & Research Center has been up to for the last 12 years. See photos of some of our accomplishments, as well as what we are planning for the future!
4:30-5:30 – Creating Kickass Characters
Popular comics creators share their insights on character development in comics and how they work to make heroes and villains extraordinary and memorable. Featuring: Amy Chu (Poison Ivy, Red Sonja), Tom King (Batman, Vision), and Carla Speed McNeil (Finder, No Mercy, Love is Love).
Kids Love Comics Programming
4:00-5:00 – Drawing with Drouin: Nickelodeon Characters with Emily Drouin
Learn to draw popular characters from Nickelodeon shows using basic shapes in this fun drawing activity!
5:00-6:00 – Alien Art with Dawn Griffin
The Kids Love Comics Workshop Area will be transformed into an alien factory when cartoonist Dawn Griffin shows you easy ways to draw wacky aliens.
Room 339-342
11:00-12:00 – Story Structure
Where do you begin? With the plot, the theme, a conflict or all of the above? An all-star line-up featuring Marv Wolfman, James Tynion IV, Mark Waid, Louise Simonson, and Elliot S! Maggin chat with moderator Robert Greenberger about how they write their four-color stories.
12:15-1:15 – DC Comics: My Secret Origin: How I Broke Into Comics
Moderator: Dan DiDio
Talent: Cully Hamner, Alisa Kwitney, Justin Jordan
They say breaking up is hard to do…but breaking into comics may be tougher! Come by for an inside look at how some of DC's top-notch talent broke in, crafting the tales of your favorite DC Super Heroes!
1:30-2:30 – Marvel Legacy
A new era of Marvel storytelling is about to begin! Mysteries, returns, and infinite possibilities await in the pages of each Marvel Legacy title. SVP & Executive Editor Tom Brevoort and Ken Lashley (X-Men Gold), David Marquez (Defenders), Greg Pak (Incredible Hulk), and Mark Waid (Avengers, Captain America, Champions) will be in attendance to give fans the latest info about their first thrilling story arcs in their Marvel Legacy series.
2:45-3:45 – Baltimore Celebrates Batman Day!
Moderator: Jimmy Palmiotti
Talent: Amanda Conner, David Finch, Peter J. Tomasi, James Tynion IV, John Timms
It's Batman Day but Harley Quinn is taking over! Celebrate Harley's 25th Anniversary and all things Batman in this can't miss panel.
4:00-5:00 – Kirby: King of Comics
Jack Kirby created or co-created some of comic books' most popular super heroes. Take a look at Kirby's career in comics as writer Mark Evanier and Abrams Books' Charlie Kochman discuss Evanier's book, Kirby: King of Comics.
5:15-6:15 – Image Comics: Your New Favorite Series
Image Comics is home to some of the best storytellers in the comics business constantly reinventing the medium with fresh and new exciting titles. Meredith Finch(Rose), Charles Soule (Curse Words), Justin Jordan (The Family Trade), Nikki Ryan(The Family Trade), and Andrew MacLean (Head Lopper) lead the latest wave of Image classics and are here to tell how they're about to become your new favorite books!
Room 343-344
11:00-12:00 – The Mike Wieringo Tellos Tribute
Join Todd Dezago, Thom Zahler, Val Staples, Rob Stull, Paul Mounts, and many more as they discuss the creation of the most impressive and ambitious graphic novel project ever as well as the creation of the original Tellos series and memories of Ringo.
12:15-1:15 – Mike Wieringo Tellos Tribute Signing
An exclusive signing, for the first time, of both Ringo Tellos Tribute Volumes 1 and 2, featuring a collection of many of the contributing artists.
1:30-2:30 – Valiant Presents Icons: X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Faith and Beyond
With record-setting series like X-O Manowar, Faith, and SECRET WEAPONS, Valiant Entertainment is the most celebrated publisher anywhere in comics today! Now, right here at BCC, find out what's coming for Valiant's next blockbuster series like Bloodshot Salvation, Eternity, Ninja-K, and Quantum and Woody! with an all-star cast of guests! Valiant's next major leap forward starts here with exclusive announcements and artwork – first at BCC!
2:45-3:45 – Dynamite: Igniting Imaginations
Discover where some of comics' most acclaimed writers find the inspiration behind their creations, and how they translate the first creative spark to the final printed page. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the real-life origin stories of some of your most beloved comic creations!
4:00-5:00 – BOOM! Studios: Discover Yours
There's a comic at BOOM! Studios for everyone, from longtime fans to brand-new readers, and this is the panel to discover YOUR favorite new series! Join BOOM! Studios staff and creators as they explore the diverse imprints of the main BOOM! Studios line, BOOM! Box, KaBOOM!, and Archaia with exclusive previews, news, and the information you need to discover your next obsession. Featuring James Tynion IV (Eugenic, The Backstagers), Hope Larson (Goldie Vance), Sean Rubin(Bolivar), Greg Pak (Mech Cadet Yu), Matt Kindt (Grass Kings), Anthony Burch(Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack), and Clay McLeod Chapman(Lazaretto). Moderated by Filip Sablik (President, Publishing & Marketing, BOOM! Studios).
5:15-6:15 – Bob Fujitani Spotlight
Bob Fujitani began his career in comics in the 1940s and may be best known for the original artist of Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. He's drawn characters including The Hangman, Flying Dutchman, SkyWolf, Sherlock Holmes, and books including Lassie, Crime & Punishment, and Turok, Son of Stone. Join Bob Fujitani and moderator Mark Evanier as they look back at his amazing career.
Room 345-346
11:00-12:00 – Comics Creators Consuming Coffee: Baltimore Edition
Back by popular demand! Sample the world's strongest coffee with your favorite comics creators while we chat about all things coffee and comics. Amy Chu (writer Poison Ivy, Red Sonja, KISS) and Sean Von Gorman (Batfreak, Toe Tag Riot) host this interactive panel featuring special guests including Terry Moore (Motor Girl, Strangers in Paradise).
12:15-1:15 – A Crash Course in Online Reviewing
Fans of pop culture often have a lot to say and share. The writing and editing crew at Pop Culture Uncovered talk about getting started writing reviews, editorials, and columns. How to find your voice, find and keep an audience, and how to find the motivation when writer's block gets in the way.
1:30-2:30 – Lettering with Todd Klein & John Workman
The letterer's job is usual an invisible one unless the letterer becomes an integral part of the printed page. Two of the premier practitioners of the unheralded art form, Todd Klein and John Workman, talk about their work and their careers with moderator Robert Greenberger.
2:45-3:45 – Amulet Graphic Novel: Behind-the-Scenes
Presentation and Q&A with author Kazu Kibuishi on the creation of the Amuletgraphic novel series for Scholastic Graphix. Explore the process of creating adventures for all ages!
4:00-5:00 – Fandom and Representation: A Conversation on Why Diversity Matters to Fans
The subject of character diversity and representation in pop-culture seems to always be accompanied by controversy. But at the heart is a simple notion: people wanting to see themselves reflected in their art. Fantasy, sci-fi, and comics are no exception. In this panel, we'll be speaking on why showing the real world in comics, good, bad, and ugly, is so important. And why it's good for everyone.
5:15-6:15 – Creator-Owned vs. Company-Owned
A company-owned property usually means a good paycheck, guaranteed audience, and a chance to reach a wider readership than creator-owned works. But the latter offers great freedom and satisfaction. Walter Simonson, Dean Haspiel, and Thom Zahlertalk about the good, the bad, and the ugly with moderator Robert Greenberger.
Room 347-348
12:15-1:45 – Inside the Art of Visual Storytelling
Carl Potts, former Marvel Entertainment Executive Editor, screenwriter, and author of The DC Comics Guide to Creating Comics: Inside the Art of Visual Storytelling, discusses how to combine instinct with knowledge to arrive at the best visual narrative solutions for your story.
2:45-3:45 – Women Creators Discuss the Evolving Comic Book Industry
Join this panel of talented comic book creators with a wide range of experience in the industry for a discussion on the evolving comic book industry. Discover panelists' perspectives on how comics has evolved over the years. How do panelists measure success? What unique challenges exist for women creators? What impact does social media have on panelists' interaction with fans? How has the comic book store and convention experience for women creators changed? What might the future hold? Discussion on all these questions and more! Moderated by Creator Talks podcast host Christopher Calloway, panelists include: Meredith Finch (creator/writer of Rose/Image Comics), Alitha Martinez (artist for Iron Man, X-Men/Marvel Comics), Erica Schultz (writer of Charmed/Dynamite Entertainment).
4:00-5:00 – LICENSED!: Overstreet Looks at Licensed Comics
From the Disney work of Carl Barks to Zorro by Alex Toth, from Planet of the Apes to Star Wars, and from The Micronauts to G.I. Joe, licensed titles have been an exciting part of the fabric of comics. Join The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide for a lively discussion of licensed comics with Mark Wheatley (Doctor Who, Jonny Quest, Tarzan), James Kuhoric (Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash, Hatchet), Joseph Rybandt (Editor – Dynamite Entertainment) and Overstreet's own J.C. Vaughn (24, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe).
Ballroom (4th Floor)
11:00-12:00 – Stefan Kapicic Panel
In the movie Deadpool, Stefan Kapicic left his mark as the stoic X-Man, Colossus. Discover more about this amazing actor and his work, and maybe even learn a bit about the next Deadpool movie, with this spotlight panel.
12:00-1:00 – Darryl Makes Comics
You know Darryl "DMC" McDaniels from his legendary music career. But do you know he also makes comics? Join DMC, Greg Pak, Khoi Pham, Domo Stanton, and moderator Amy Chu as they explore the world of Darryl Makes Comics. Sponsored by The Hero Initiative.
1:30-2:30 – David Mazouz and Sean Pertwee Panel
Join David Mazouz (Bruce Wayne) and Sean Pertwee (Alfred Pennyworth) for a trip to Gotham. If you're a fan of the FOX TV show, you know this is the panel for you.
3:00 – Costume Contest (Adults)
Kids Love Comics Pavilion Workshop Area
12:00-1:00 – The AaaaWoooooo Werewolf Workshop with Chris Flick
Have a howling good time as cartoonist Chris Flick shows you how to draw werewolves of all shapes and sizes.
1:00-2:00 – Panel Party with Mark Mariano and Kazu Kibuishi
You are cordially invited you to the Panel Party, where your imagination, storytelling ability, and art skills will be welcomed and celebrated. Simply put, we are going to have a blast making comics together! Warning: attending this party may result in you throwing your own Panel Party at home!
2:00-3:00 – Cosplay Crafts with Gina Super Sox
Gina makes clothing for superheroes to wear! The seamstress of Super Sox Shop will discuss making clothing, toys, soft swords and shields, and other fabric crafts.
3:00-4:00 – Pixel Portraits with Tim Fielder
Pixel Portraits: A Digital Storytelling Workshop by the creator of Matty's Rocket, showcases his storyboarding process of panel to panel techniques for comics, animation, and film.
4:00-5:00 – Building a Better Batcave! with John Gallagher
You are part of Batman's trusted team of engineers and interior designers. He has just tasked you with a very important job. Working together, you must design and draw the blueprints for a new Batcave!
5:00-6:00 – A Piggy's Tale Comic Reading and Drawing! with Piggy and Tod Emko
Join Tod Emko for a live reading of A Piggy's Tale, the universally loved all-ages comic. Piggy the Three-Legged Super Pup will be present to greet his public and model as the audience draws the heroic canine. If Piggy likes the drawing, the child will receive the first issue of A Piggy's Tale! All participants will have their photos taken with their drawings for the website.
(Please note, all times and panels shown are subject to change)
Room 339-342
11:00-12:00 – Black Panther
Before you see Black Panther on the big screen in 2018, you want to make sure you know his comic book roots and this panel is a perfect way to start. Travel to Wakanda with Afua Richardson, Alitha Martinez, and moderator Tom Brevoort.
12:15-1:15 – DC Universe
Moderator: Dan DiDio
Talent: Amanda Conner, Tom King, Steve Orlando, Jimmy Palmiotti, James Tynion IV
The DC Universe is what everyone who's anyone is talking about. The universe has been restored with hope and optimism, engaging storylines and dynamic characters. Come discover more about your favorite DC super heroes, plus hear from the talented teams bringing these stories to life!
1:30-2:30 – Jack Kirby at 100
This past month, the comics world celebrated what would have been the 100th birthday of legendary creator Jack Kirby. Tom King, Walter Simonson, Mark Buckingham, Jerry Ordway, Dean Haspiel, John K. Snyder III, the Kirby Museum's Rand Hoppe, and moderator Mark Evanier discuss Kirby's work and it's lasting influence in comics today.
Room 343-344
11:00-12:00 – CosLove Presents: #icanbaHERO
Cosplay promotes creativity, camaraderie, and can even evolve into community service and philanthropic pursuits. Meet members of CosLove, DC Heroes, East Coast Avengers, Justice League Alliance Mid-Atlantic, Hope for Henry, and The 501st Legion as they provide tips on how to combine your passion for cosplay along with giving back to your local community and other charity efforts. Find out how you can reach out to local organizations and other cosplayers/costumers to organize events, as well as how to use cosplay to reach new patrons or engage students. #TeamCosLove is a group of cosplayers and creatives that support local communities through school and hospital visits within the DC/MD/VA Mid-Atlantic Region, assisting organizations with similar events across the United States, and which promotes the overall love for cosplay and cos-positivity within the community. With Brian Korzec, Alice Irvin, Liam Stillman, Shemika Demouchet Berry, and Patrick Michael Strange.
12:15-1:15 – The Plotmasters Project
David Petersen (Mouse Guard) & Jesse Glenn (Odd 13 Brewing) have started a new video podcast series, The Plotmasters Project, in the spirit of looking back at their earliest characters and stories, sharing old embarrassing artwork and ideas, discussing what worked and what didn't with them, and then creating new art and ideas as though they were working on that project today. Join The Plotmasters as they talk about concept editing, character design, and artistic evolution.
1:30-2:30 – Valiant 101: Jump on Board Here!
New to the Valiant Universe? Jump on board right here with a concise and fun-filled introduction to the origins and adventures of Valiant's greatest and most iconic heroes – from Bloodshot and Divinity to Faith and Harbinger to Ninjak and X-O Manowar! From Buzzfeed and Entertainment Weekly to The Guardian and dozens more, Valiant has been hailed as the premier superhero publisher in comics today… Now, look no further than this panel of Valiant all-stars to find out where to start!
2:45-3:45 – Historical Fiction Comics
Like history? Love comics? Come travel through time with comics! Join Christy Blanch (The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood), Lora Innes (The Dreamer), and Thom Zahler (Time and Vine) as they talk about writing and drawing historical fiction.
Room 345-346
11:00-12:00 – Marv Wolfman and Mark Evanier in Conversation
Marv Wolfman (New Teen Titans, Deathstroke the Terminator, Tomb of Dracula) and Mark Evanier (Darkseid Special, Groo the Wanderer, DNAgents) discuss writing. Don't miss this chance to see two legendary creators sharing stories about their time in comics and more.
12:15-1:15 – The Return of Classic Cartoon Comics – Underdog, Casper, Rocky & Bullwinkle, and Pink Panther
American Mythology is proud to bring back some of the most beloved all-ages cartoons to introduce to new generations of comic fans. Parents remember the animated antics of Underdog, Casper, Rocky & Bullwinkle, and The Pink Panther as staples of Saturday morning cartoons. Join S.A. Check, Pat Shand, John Gallagher, and Mike Wolfer as they share their memories of these cereal and milk classics and discuss new all ages fun coming your way from American Mythology next year!
1:30-2:30 – Comics for Everyone
An all-star panel of writers and artists talk about the magical power of comics, how they work to reach new readers, and make stories for all audiences. With Amy Chu(Poison Ivy, Red Sonja, KISS), Carla Speed McNeil (Finder, No Mercy, Love is Love) and Franco (Aw Yeah Comics, Tiny Titans).
2:45-3:45 – From Idea to the Page: Making Comics the Comicker Way
Comicker Press co-founder and New York Times best-selling writer Sean E. Williamstakes you step-by-step through what goes into taking your comics ideas and making them a reality. From finding collaborators to building a proposal, from self-publishing to pitching to publishers, and from writing a script to coloring the final page, Williams shows what goes into making comics from beginning to end.
Room 347-348
11:00-12:00 – Writing for Young Readers
How is writing for young readers unique? What are the rewards and challenges? Are any themes off limits? Join Kazu Kibuishi, Barry Lyga, Andy Runton, Hope Larson, Louise Simonson, and moderator Charlie Kochman as they explore writing for young readers.
12:15-1:15 – Comics in the 1970s
The Comics Code was revised, the direct sales market was born, and the first hints of independent publishing highlighted a decade that saw a new generation of creators make their debut, including Elliot S! Maggin, Keith Pollard, Joe Staton, Ron Wilson, and John Workman. They reminisce with moderator Robert Greenbergerabout those transitional years. Sponsored by The Hero Initiative.
1:30-2:30 – Ominous Press Panel
Join Bart Sears and Andy Smith for a panel discussing all things Ominous Press and more! They will discuss their careers from the beginning to now! And why they felt now was the right time to bring Ominous Press back.
2:45-3:45 – Creative Community: Finding It, Building It, and Growing With It
Making comics can sometimes feel like a lonely pursuit — but having a team of colleagues, supporters, and friends can encourage, support, and promote independent creators, no matter where they are in their careers. Come chat with Kata Kane (Ana and the Cosmic Race, Altar Girl), David Crispino (Taft Sturgeon), Colin Byrd (The Crimson Fly), and Jordan Clark (Bitch Planet, Triple Feature) from local creators' group Bmore Into Comics about how to find and participate in comics communities. Moderated by Parker Hicks (Vengeful Ghost).
Ballroom (4th Floor)
11:00-12:00 – Down with the King
A one on one retrospect with DMC as we talk about about his journey from Run-DMCto The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to DMC the superhero. Moderated by Eddie #ebonyhero Newsome.
12:00-1:00 – Finn Jones and Jessica Henwick Panel
You know them from The Defenders, Iron Fist, and Game of Thrones. They're Finn Jones (Danny Rand) and Jessica Henwick (Colleen Wing). Join us for a fascinating and engaging panel exploring these two talented actors and their work.
2:30 – Costume Contest (Kids)
Kids Love Comics Pavilion Workshop Area
11:00-12:00 – Drawing With Drouin: Disney Characters with Emily Drouin
Learn to draw Disney characters using basic shapes in this fun drawing activity!
12:00-1:00 – Cosmic Character Creations with Kata Kane and Amy Chu
In this interactive all ages workshop, color and draw alongside artist Kata Kane (Altar Girl, GFFs: Ghost Friends Forever) and dream up your character with writer Amy Chu (Poison Ivy, Red Sonja) as they talk about their new graphic novel Ana and the Cosmic Race. Color pictures of Ana, Zyx, Keio, and Ekene, or create your own character to compete in the Cosmic Race!
1:00-2:00 – Superhero University with Chris Mariano and Brian Smith (OPEN TO FIRST 30 KIDS)
You won't be able to fly and it won't give you super powers, but you will learn all the ins and outs of superheroics from the industry's top professors. PLUS, you'll have fun making your own cape and superhero mask! Come to this workshop as a kid, leave as a superhero!
2:00-3:00 – Once Upon a Superhero with Gregg Schigiel
What happens when the worlds of Fairy Tales collide with Superhero Comics? Join Pix and SpongeBob Squarepants cartoonist Gregg Schigiel for this genre-mashing creative workshop.
3:00-4:00 – Imagination Aquarium with Jamar Nicholas
Ever find yourself stuck for cartoon ideas? Put on your wetsuit and dive into the IMAGINATION AQUARIUM, where cartoonist Jamar Nicholas will help you catch ideas in your net and create awesome cartoons!
In support of our hearing-impaired fans and attendees, the Baltimore Comic-Con will have ASL interpreters available at select 2016 panels.
General Admission and VIP Package tickets for Weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as well as the Ringo Awards, are now on sale! Visit for more information and to purchase your advanced tickets now, and as always, kids 10 and under get into the show free with a paid adult General Admission!
In the coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Ringo Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found on our website,