Posted in: Movies | Tagged: Film Threat, sdcc, Steele Wars Podcast, The Last Jedi
Film Threat's Rather Civil 'The Last Jedi' Debate from SDCC
When we first heard that our pals over at Film Threat were going to be hosting a Star Wars: The Last Jedi debate during San Diego Comic-Con, we were concerned. Considering how absolutely vile the online realm has gotten over Rian Johnson's film, there was only one way this off-site (at the library) live podcast taping could go, and it wasn't going to be pretty.
That said, we were extremely surprised when the resulting debate (four anti, four pro) was downright civil and polite. Chris Gore hosted the panel, and he kept everything to a timely clip with allotted seconds/minutes to pose the argument, respond to the question, and rebut the other team.
Debate team members include Charles de Lauzirika, Anthony Ray Bench, Mary Anne Butler, Steele Saunders, Cliff Stephenson, Robert Meyer Burnett, Dante James, Travis Langley, J.C. Reifenberg, Nikole Zivalich, and Annie Cruz.
I was called up at one point to take over a question from one of the panelists (thanks, Anthony!) because he was tired of debating about the film, and I still have so much to say about it. There was no real set ending to the talk — the panel ran out of time quicker than I think anyone was prepared for.
You can listen for yourself to The Last Jedi Debate here, or here: