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When Joe Quesada Talked to ComicsGate's Jon Malin, Ethan Van Sciver and Richard Meyer
After Marvel Comics Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada talked on Twitter about how he broke into comic books off the street, and a vague sidebar about his mullet back in the day, he decided to tackle some of the Comicsgate narratives directly.
BREAKING NEWS! This just in… from 1970?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
The reason Stan wrote that Soapbox was because there were fans in 1970 who wrote in complaining that he was "preaching", "shoehorning", being "ham fisted", "grandstanding", and regressively divisive by the standards of that day.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
I get, and respect that you may not care for that style of storytelling, but there were those who felt back then about Stan and Marvel exactly as you do today and here we are 48 years later.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Oh I agree Shaun, but what your saying isn't factual because it implies that every single comic we do has some sort of social or moral message. Yes we do have some books that might tell a story like that, but we also have books that don't. It's not an either or.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
I can understand how by listening to some of the rhetoric online it may feel that way, but that's not the reality. That said, it's also in how you read it or others decide to critique it. Two people can walk away with completely different interpretations of the exact same story.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
I've seen critiques of completely non political stories that make them seem political and controversial based on a dislike for the creator's politics or past stories. Suddenly making it all seem very… well, political.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Today's politics in comics are done so ham fisted and cringe-worthy Stan would never stand for it. Marvel's 90% progressive with two middle finger's to any Trump supporter and conservatives.
— Mister Sensitive (@anytom8) September 7, 2018
Mr. Sensitive, just checking but you do realize that Stan is alive and well, on Twitter and knows what goes on at Marvel right? You should follow him @TheRealStanLee, he's as awesome today as he was in 1970 and a blessing to us all.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Virtue signalling =/= good messages, Joe. Stop using Stan as a human shield.
— Jaymie Shermack (@Agent_Of_SHIELD) September 7, 2018
Jaymie, sorry to say that I respectfully have no idea what that means? But hey sure, I can stop posting things Stan says that for whatever reason might bother some people… but I won't. That's the reason he wrote stuff like this in his Soapbox in the first place.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Way to cherrypick history to justify Marvel's anti business actions towards their consumers in service to an ideology.
Growing your customer base is great. Telling your longtime customer base to fall in line or fuck off is insanity.
Get your priorities in order.
— Stark Black Bat (@StarkBlackBat) September 7, 2018
Hey Stark Black Bat, I hear and respect your take and difference of opinion on this expect for one small detail… I never said any of that. I can't stop you from imagining those words into my Tweets, all I can do is point out that I never said them.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Remember that comics are a failing business, it doesn't matter what has work, what the industry was like, it matters that the industry changes with the time, and if the people aren't buying what you're putting out, than you out out something new.
— James Buckoi (@otherzeeboi) September 7, 2018
Mmmmm, no we're not James. There were two times in the history of comics when we did almost go extinct. The 50's when the government tried to shut us down and then during the glorious mid 90s when the whole thing imploded.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Yes, that glorious time when comics were selling in the millions, creators were getting rich and suddenly people discovered that the comics they had weren't going to put their kids through college, they were landfill.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Today we're just like any solid business, we have up years and down years. But you do highlight a good point and one of my pet peeves; I can't think of any industry that is more hellbent on predicting it's own demise than comics.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
When times are great and profitable there are those who keep looking over their shoulder for the other shoe to drop. When times are bad they puff up their chests and say "See, I was right!".
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
And then there are those who choose to profit from predicting that the end is nigh. I've been a pro now for 28 years and everyone one of those years I've heard this kind of talk, though admittedly this new for profit model is a fun phenomenon.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
But I was in the middle of it in the 90s when it really all should have gone to hell because the odds were against us. But we rallied & despite it all we're still here and thankfully able to help pay the rent for those profiting from predicting our death.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
… We crave more of a dissection of those morals and what they mean for a person, and society, and how true we stick to them. And we want writers skilled to make even the most blatant of one sided takes, compelling, and that's just not what comics are delivering
— James Buckoi (@otherzeeboi) September 7, 2018
So the dissection of morals that you crave, I can buy that, but how is it any different than the adults reading the books in 1971 other than the world has changed just as it always has and always will. What is old is new.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
There's only one toxic, polarized view represented in comics today. That is so not what Stan wanted.
— Michael Moody (@MakeMineMoody) September 7, 2018
Hey Michael, thanks for letting me know. Did you see @TheRealStanLee recently, or going to? If you do tell him I said hello. I saw him about a month ago as did @Todd_McFarlane and @ROBLIEFELD and we must have missed him saying that.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
See if this bit from Stan resembles Marvel and its "lifestyle brand" in any way now.
— Michael Moody (@MakeMineMoody) September 7, 2018
This brief conversation you and I are having is the living, breathing embodiment of those tenants. Feel free to call me Joe!
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Thanks Joe, now can you call up CB (I legitimately don't know his first name) and tell him to embrace those tenets?
— Comics Are For Everyone. (@ComicsDizzy) September 7, 2018
We all call him CB but it stands for Chester Braun. And he does follow those tenants just as stringently as I did and others before us.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
But putting words in the man's mouth is something you're not entitled to do, especially if you haven't sat with him as I and so many have. And as someone who has spoken to him more times than I can remember, I've never heard him say any such thing.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
In a way you have. You say: Stan said this, thus your opinions about current-state marvel are not valid (due to hypocrisy). But we're not saying to completely get rid of ideology and politics. Since you give NO RESPECT to the argument, it's the same as saying "fuck off".
— やぼい (@pichipichiyaboi) September 7, 2018
I'm not here calling or claiming you're anything, I don't know you so no one is boxing you in nor telling you "this song is about you" but yourself. But again, if imagining words that I haven't written is what you want to do, it's cool.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
But I ask you guys to just for one second put yourselves in the place of that editor, of that creator, who all they want is to make good comics that fans enjoy. Yes, complaints and gripes come with the territory, even the occasional expected personal insult.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
That fan may only see it from their singular perspective, their singular bit of saltiness. But on the other end it's a bombardment that they only see the tip of the spear from their POV. So maybe that editor or creator finally snaps and says something salty right back
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
When I was younger I worked in retail and sometimes we would simply get an unreasonable customer. Simply impossible to deal with no matter how much you tried to accommodate them.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Again, I'm not in any way saying that you're like that, we don't know each other, but your post does allow me to bring up this important point so for that, thanks.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
The professionals who live and breath this industry are not two dimensional mustaches twirling villains on a comic's page, they're 3D, flesh and blood sons, daughters, fathers and mothers. They're YOU!
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Stan can't read anymore. He can't read print. He makes videos from time to time. Marvel lackeys tell him everything is fine at Marvel. Stan once said politics are fine now and then. But you don't hit people over the head with it. I use a helmet when I read marvel now.
— Mister Sensitive (@anytom8) September 7, 2018
Boy you really are sensitive.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
The mere fact that you won't acknowledge there is a problem in the industry is telling enough.
— Kriztuhfuh (@OwreyKris) September 7, 2018
Hmmm, I thought I was just addressing one of the many problems with the industry. Guess I'm mistaken.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
So you're saying that if we read your material we wont have valid criticisms of the work?
— The Mad Creator (@realmadcreator) September 7, 2018
Ummm, how did you get that from what I said? I didn't say anything of the kind in the the Tweet that your responding to nor have I ever said that anything of the sort.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
You mean you aren't already doing a good enough job as is hiring people who only want to push agendas and write mouth pieces instead of characters?
— Ride on the Haterside (@Lordofthesuplex) September 7, 2018
Dammit again! Who keeps leaking my evil plans to destroy comics, to unemployed myself and to bankrupt not only my family but all of my friends in the comics industry? (Twirls mustache, cackles to self "if it weren't for those pesky kids!")
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 7, 2018
Sorry, Joe. I forgot it was a secret.
— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) 8 September 2018
Well not anymore. Now we have to find another way to destroy comics. Hmmmm make we should start a YouTube Channel to try to convince everyone the industry's dying? You in?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
No wait cancel that idea, we'd have to be a real a-hole to do that kind of thing.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
But I actually wont voice my opinion now for fear of getting flack from a creator, and having it ruin my experience. I feel for what the creators deal with, but unfairly, it's up to them to be above it. Cause I'm tired of being at the bottom of the hill while the shit rolls down.
— Steve Edwards (@Steve_Ecto14) September 8, 2018
Most creators I know don't mind negative opinions, especially if they're expressed reasonably. No not all, I can't speak for all, but most do. What we hate is "You suck. The story sucks." You get the gist. And of course personal insults break down the conversation entirely.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
How many thousands of creators work on those books, I'd say that for the most part comic creators are the most accessible and nicest group of people out of any entertainment media.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
And replying to tweets now deleted, said,
And I don't know what our differences are nor do I care. I work with Liberals, Conservatives and everyone in-between. I worked with people of all religions, ethnicities, sexes and sexual preferences every day of my life.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
Not implying that's you, but Marvel has fans from all walks of life, we love them all, but there is a point where we draw the line as I think most people do.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
You are a class act. I've read this entire thread and most of its offshoots and and you handle opposing and sometimes hostile opinions with incredible charm and character. You should teach a class on how to interact with others on social media!
— Robert (@RHicinbothem) September 8, 2018
Aw shucks Robert, I appreciate it. Okay, okay, I guess I'm not starting a YouTube channel now ;^)
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
Western civilization was built on the idea that Reality/Truth decides what is right and wrong (& thus where the line is). Step away from that and anyone can justify anything.
— rjoftheisland (@rjoftheisland) September 8, 2018
rjoftheisland you can make this as dense, difficult or philosophical as you want if it helps justify bad behavior. My philosophy is simple timeless… don't be a dick.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
My parents taught me where the line was, I'm going to bet all our parents if they were doing their job drew the exact same lines.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
I know I hate the feeling when it happens regardless of what the hell Western norms at the time are saying or deciding.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
Do you ever read your own feed? (Simple enough for ya?)
— rjoftheisland (@rjoftheisland) September 8, 2018
More importantly I'm just being straight up about my personal feelings. You don't have to agree with them, but it doesn't make me a dick if they differ from yours or anyone else's right?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
But yeah, I can be a dick to someone who is being one unreasonably to me. To me If someone can dole it out then you should be able to take it right?I mean if they're going shrivel up and then complain that someone's been mean to them, where's the run in that.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
Wow! Which conservatives do you work with currently at Marvel?
— Comic Boss One (@comic_boss) September 8, 2018
I'll leave it for you to look up, but the man who okayed my being hired as EIC, who was instrumental in bringing Marvel Comics back from Chapter 11, who helped build a company that was eventually purchased by Disney is Conservative.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
I'm going to suggest that is Ike Perlmutter, one of Donald Trump's biggest donors, friend, advisor and part of the Trump administration.
It's editors, marketing folk, lawyers, accountants, assistance and so on. And guess what, we're all here because we all love the books, the stories we tell and each other.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
I haven't been paying attention lately. Is Nick Spencer still doing his bullshit at Marvel too?
— Stomping Scar (@MachineSqarrs) September 8, 2018
No, he's doing amazing creative work at Marvel.
See this is why we can't have nice things.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
Why are you leading a snarky crusade against potential customers? You're a C-Level executive, not a 10 year old.
— やぼい (@pichipichiyaboi) September 8, 2018
Mmmmm, no I'm not regardless of how you want to spin it. But appreciate you continuing to engage with me and Marvel, it shows that you still love Marvel and makes you okay with me.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
Hi Mr. Q, 1st, wow, this thread is CRAZY! Took me a while to decipher it! I met you once and I think u r a stand up guy and great with your fans. I agree with a lot of what you said but I think that what some of the fans are feeling is that their political views r being portrayed
— Agent DeCamp (@DecampAlan) September 8, 2018
Hey Alan, thanks so much. While we may not agree on everything, I can assure you that I appreciate you sharing those thoughts with me. At the end of the day this has always been what Marvel is about.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
But if it's a cool story I wouldn't tell editorial not to publish it. We publish a lot of books in different styles and genres. Perfect example, when we were first started to discuss bringing the Cosmic characters back in Annihilation.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
But I had editors that felt passionate about them and felt that they could create something really cool for likeminded fans. So I said go for it!
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
That series was not made for me, but as a fan of Marvel there were other books I could read. And then they knocked the damn thing out of the park and found the heart (for me) of so many of those characters that I they made me a fan.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 8, 2018
Back to the Soapbo etreme tweet…
Wrong, Joe. Yes, they dealt with current events and light, completely non-divisive issues like "Drugs r bad, mkay?" But they never, for instance, published stories about how a certain RACE is a PLAGUE. You're LYING about the current state of Marvel.
— Malamo Diamanto (@MalamoDiamanto) September 9, 2018
Hey Malamo Diamanto,
Nah, that's wrong. As just one of many examples, Stan wrote anti Viet Nam stories. You may want to believe it wasn't true but that doesn't make it so. As for the rest of your post, I have no idea what you're talking about.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
The naive organic Civil Rights movement isn't comparable to today's media driven "cultural revolution" that seeks to demonize and silence others valid opinions.
And the stuff Stan is talking is like choir practice. We had editors in 70's.
Everone publishes now, no restraint.— Shadow 🍌 (@jonygitar) September 9, 2018
and no new Beatle's album to imminently dropping. So I have to respectfully disagree with what you're saying. Also, we still have editors today. But you're right, we do have many more outstanding companies as well as amazing creators doing comics independently.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Look at them as small business owners. Comics were dominated for decades by just a few big companies, now we have something to offer for everyone.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
At which point, one of the central Comcisgate figures, Jon Malin wanted to talk about Robbi Rodriguez flashing Ethan Van Sciver on Twitter, images that have now been retweeted by Comicsgaters thousands of more times that Robbi's original.
SPIDERGWEN/GHOST SPIDER'S creator Robbie Rodriguez anus(censored version) sent out for all customers to see. @Marvel still being Marvel? @Disney ?
— MALIN (@JonMalin) September 8, 2018
Hey Jon, I actually agree with you, that's not a cool thing for anyone to do to ANYONE. I really don't approve of that behavior. Also he isn't working for us, hasn't for a while. But to be clear and since you opened this box up, lets unpack it.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
You work hand and hand with this person right? And before this gets turned around, I'm not critiquing this persons politics or his feelings about the world, I'm not calling him any derogatory names except one, he's simply an a-hole.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
If it's not clear, he's talking about Richard Meyer.
And to avert the inevitable back and forth finger pointing, yes, there is enough impulsively reactive nastiness to go around, heck even from people I know. If it's an employee we address these issues privately.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Yes, there are some fans out there who follow this stuff on YouTube, I'll bet a cross section of them follow me too. I don't believe for a second that they're all awful people or the names that some want to blanket them with.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
But you're a professional in this industry Jon: you and those professionals like yourself who think its cool to see other professionals abused and insulted by your collaborator should know better because you know what it's like to be in the trenches.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
So yeah, I agree 100% with you, no one needs to see anyone's a-hole unless it's something they requested to see or want to be around.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Comics are the only industry where employees can be hired for ideology with no merit then lie, defame, and attack their customers (fans) brazenly and openly daily as they pretend they themselves are the victims. All while their sales sink lower. #comics @JonMalin
— Indie Venturer (@IndieVenturer) September 9, 2018
I'm talking about an a-hole who has attacked fellow pros on a personal level and those professionals who think it's a decent human thing to associate, cheer him on and do business with him.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Fandom is fandom, I've had people hate me for the stories I've told in the same way I see other's hated for their politics, etc. Sometimes as fans we lose sight of stuff… don't get me started on the Mets.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
If you feel there's any merit to anything I'm saying I appreciate that but take all the inflammatory descriptors out of it and focus on an a-hole being an a-hole.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
meyer apologized for any comments he made towards mags and antos etc. pretty sincerely actually. it was surprising. renfamous is a troll and fittingly was trolled in return. but you're right, it doesn't matter if someone is trans or not. I think you'll find that most of us agree
— JMAguilera 🇺🇸 🇪🇸 (@tobasoft) September 9, 2018
I don't know Mags, but he went after her livelihood, her passion, a career that she wants to build. Like her work or don't like her work, but the judging of that work should be done on the merits of it, not the fact that she's trans.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
And by the way, if one of his kids wanted to be in the field and was being abused online by someone like him, I'd say the exact same thing, that person's an a-hole.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
This is what I'm talking about, is this the kind of person who is worth following? Who is worth giving money too? Who is worth collaborating with?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Time for comic book inker and Comcisgater Mike Miller to join in,
Joe, I'm curious, the personal insults aside (which I agree are not helpful), did you consider any of the actual constructive criticism that 'he-who-shall-not-be-named' and the community of 80+ thousands of fans who agree with him have levied against Marvel?
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) September 9, 2018
He's disingenuous, a failed pro who is bitter that he never got in and doesn't know what the hell he's talking about when he gives art and writing advice. And THEN as if that isn't good enough, he attacks and insults pros in the most horrible fashion.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
If you and other pros want to stand by that and consider him a part of your "gate" then to me you support that garbage. I'm not telling you or anyone else what to do, I'm just telling you how I feel. Maybe this story from my life can explain it better.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
My best friend in middle school was in love the with most beautiful girl in the class. She turned down his advances, he then told all of his friends that she was a slut. She was an awesome girlfriend to me and one of the nicest people I ever had the the pleasure to be around.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
You can only mean one person; @DiversityAndCmx.
I call BS on this Joe. You absolutely could not spend all night posting awful things he's done, because they are few. In addition, they were not entirely uncalled for. The worst thing he did was call someone a name, IN PRIVATE.
— Ash on Comics (@Ash1138) September 9, 2018
Mmmm nope, not true at all, he's said hundreds and hundreds of awful things about creators and working comic folk no matter how much he tries to clean up his feed. And while I think he's an a-hole, all I'm saying is that pros that support him should know better.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Working for @Disney requires the surgical removal of all self awareness. It gets replaced by projection. No amount of reason will get Joe to actually do anything more than take his friends word on D&C.
— ⛤Eon Black⛤ (@EonBlack) September 9, 2018
Mmmm nope, not true, I take no ones word when it comes to something like this because much can get lost in hyperbolic and over the top rhetoric. I listen to the things that have been said. I've heard them first hand because you know… I have wifi.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
And then Richard himself turned up.
Joe, you employ Mark Waid, a man who sent a black wreath to his former boss saying "What would your dead wife think of you?"
The wife who died of CANCER.
You have him on TWO books.
Don't act like you are some kind of moral authority.
And don't talk about my kids
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) September 9, 2018
You can twist what I say however you want here or on your videos, it's what you do, but there's really no other reading of what I'm saying unless you want to be unreasonable. You've been an a-hole online to people who I respect and love. You've profited from it.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
And for those asking, I agree with you, there have been some inappropriate things said by people I know and or work at Marvel. And if you read my thread you'll see that we do deal with these situations privately. I don't think it's cool when anyone does it.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Here's the thing, Joe. We don't agree with you, but we appreciate the chance to discuss this. Disagreeing with us doesn't mean we'll dislike you, nearly all of us will still buy great comics you draw. The SJWs? They'll now HATE you just for daring to talk with us. It's a cult.
— Just Pelé 🇺🇸🐻 (@Just_Pele) September 9, 2018
Just Pele, people are free to take what I say and feel as they want. There's always plenty of hate on my feed and even more love, it comes with the territory and being as accessible as I can be in the entertainment biz.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Quesada isn't talking. He's preaching.
— OGBeast (@OGBeastx) September 9, 2018
Nope, I'm giving my opinion. I was asked something by Jon Malin, I agree with him and then asked a question in return.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
More ComicsGate figures came to the fray.
@JoeQuesada @CBCebulski @DiversityAndCmx has 88,000 + followers because he has captured the frustrations of @Marvel and @Disney Consumers. Keep lecturing popular creators whilst comics store close.
— Edwin Boyette (@Edwin_Boyette) September 9, 2018
Okay, I get that. But he and other pros who support him insult a segment of the audience they deem SJW. Isn't that insulting a segment of their audience?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Speaking with @JonMalin live he said "It wasn't cool Alanna used political intimidation when she was my editor, and Tom Brevoort backed her up". Joe why didn't you speak up then. Was it indifference or cowardice? @tombrevoort
— Edwin Boyette (@Edwin_Boyette) September 9, 2018
I can assure you that it had nothing to do with his politics.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Conspiracies were in play again…
There's nothing shocking about all the Corporate Yes-Men suddenly coming out against me in September (the last month of the fiscal year).
They're terrified of their bosses asking them why a guy who's living in his buddy's guest room is out-doing them in most respects.
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) September 9, 2018
Actually forgot it was the end of the fiscal year. But September is Marvel Knight's 20th Anniversary!
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Joe thank for you engaging, based on Alanna Smith's communications and the composition of @Marvel editors and writers, this is difficult to believe. We are discussing here
— Edwin Boyette (@Edwin_Boyette) September 9, 2018
But someone is trying to make you believe that they don't get work because a young ASSISTANT editor has that kind of clout. But all that said because I'd like to put this Alanna stuff behind us and her.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Then you followed with, "I forgive (him) he's sincere, he's remorseful if you still need to be angry, ask yourself who you are serving with that anger" I'll spare the screen caps because we're both speaking honestly here.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
But if you can forgive someone who threatened a beheading of someone who was a part of your group just a few days ago, then how hard is it to forgive a young editor for something she said way longer than that?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Can we agree that sending someone a photo of a bung hole isn't cool just as supporting someone who has gone after comic professionals on a personal level and made ridiculous accusations and conspiracy theories isn't cool either?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
I mean the bung hole photo was sent once, maybe it's part of an online persona too, but your buddies abuse has been consistent, sometimes three times a day not counting Twitter. It's wrong and ugly, I think you know that as well.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
As to working with Meyer…
I'm a freelancer, nothing more. He handed over a script, I drew it and we blew the doors off setting up a new reality for freelancers to set themselves free of an environment that has nothing to disprove that it openly hates them. One a-hole against many, many others.
— MALIN (@JonMalin) September 9, 2018
But since we're here again, remember when he called some creators "purse puppies"? Can you explain what that means term means to me? I'd love some clarity?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Have you actually watched the videos you're talking about? Because most of them are critical of the stories. So were Siskel and Ebert abusive, too? Is all form of criticism "abuse" and "harassment", Joe?
— Thor Odinson (@Thor_Odinson) September 9, 2018
I wouldn't be saying any of this if I hadn't. I'll let others dig up some of the horrible things he's said. But yeah, I have.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
You're complaining about a comic book critic being–a critic. He is Howard Stern meets Roger Ebert. Nothing more. You've all lost touch. You don't compete against DC, you compete against the internet, video games it's a battle for attention spans.
— MALIN (@JonMalin) September 9, 2018
You still didn't answer, what's a "purse puppy"? Just asking. Oh and I know Howard Stern, trust me brah, he is no Howard Stern.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Why are you equating the criticism of books and behaviour of talent as abuse and harressment. Why can you judge someone by their work and behaviour but he can't?
— Sarc Master (@sarc_master) September 9, 2018
I'm not, criticize all you want. I'm pointing at one type of criticism perfected by one individual saying horrific things about other professionals. More specifically I'm point to the professionals who stand by him and think this is cool.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
I'm sorry to hear that your wife is being harassed and like all Americans I've seen the discourse deteriorate everyone, especially online. But as for creators and YouTubers and fans, I bet if we do some digging that not all of this is unprovoked.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
So I can understand your frustration but I would also point you to the fact that Marvel hires THOUSANDS of creators and you know what, people get passionate and heated sometimes.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Now I know that I'm putting you on the spot with respect to two of your buddies but you can't expect people to get along if you can't point at your own and say it's wrong.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
… but I haven't heard any repudiation of someone who has hurt professionals as well as people I know and love as well as repudiation from professionals who support this kind of person as well.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Imagine the abuse your wife endured because of a t-shirt she was wearing was magnified a thousand fold by someone putting a video of it on the internet and mocking her. It's wrong no matter who you voted for, I'm with you, are you with me?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Hey @JonMalin just popping this back up to the top. What's a "purse puppy"? It's something that Ya Boi brought up a lot in the videos that I supposedly never saw. I'd love to hear how you define it?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
I get it, these are you boys, but hopefully you'll be able to address what I asked directly and honestly with either with a yay or nay. I know you have a lot of points you want to make, but I respectfully feel you're ducking them.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Okay, clearly @JonMalin doesn't want to answer that question. I get it, so for those of you who have seen the videos where Jon's collaborator uses the term, could you please define it for the group?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Joe we should all be kinder and more compassionate, in general we should address ideas, and try not to attack people @DiversityAndCmx , you and me included. It's bizarre days to see this beloved American Icon – @Marvel assailing consumers. No other business functions this way.
— Edwin Boyette (@Edwin_Boyette) September 9, 2018
We can't play the victim card for him here. That's what always happens when he gets called out. You want to speak truth, lets speak the truth, Police the bad behavior. He's a bad look for whatever point you want to make.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Some may think it's funny and not see the harm, but if those kinds of attacks were leveled at them or theirs they would feel very different. Then compound that with what-about-ism, finger pointing, and "Well, they started it" and it all starts to spin out of control.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
He really is a bit of an asshole but that does not make him wrong about the comics being unreadable garbage. Perhaps you should worry more about that second part and less about him being a prick.
— Kcoffee (@kcoffeeCO) September 9, 2018
Oh and there's a group of people with him who are laughing and cheering. He then puts his hand out and says "if you guys enjoyed that take down of Kcoffee, feel free to drop me a donation". How would you feel, would you be listening to the critique?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
You don't know @DiversityAndCmx , but you are going after his livelihood, his passion, a career that he wants to build. Like his work or don't like his work, but the judging of that work should be done on the merits of it, not the fact that he has different politics.
— Tigers Ruledude (@Tigersruledude) September 9, 2018
Never said he should stop doing videos, just that I personally deplore how he goes after professionals based on the personal. Also clearly stated that my biggest issue is with the professionals who associate & amplify his platform & Also free to do whatever they want to do to.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
And we don't believe you. The way marvel has been run over these last few years indicates that it might as well be political, add to that your shielding the aberrant behavior of your employees and you'll have an answer to why we don't believe you.
— ThasRiiiiiite (@TRiiiiiite) September 9, 2018
Hey that's cool ThasRiiiiiite, You don't have to believe me about anything, I respect that. Plus, most of this stuff, unless I state otherwise, is my opinion just so take it for what it's worth to ya. Be well.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Why are you being so fake? Criticism of literary works is a common thing that happens from the beginning of time. Sending people pictures of your genitalia is not. If EVS had sent pictures of his genetalia to someone you would be outraged.
— SerenityNow (@Serenit97952855) September 9, 2018
Why aren't you actually reading what I wrote Serenity now. Just travel down my feed and you'll see my feelings about those pictures as well as my feelings about criticism. You might be surprised at what I "actually" said.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
3. I'm just a comic fan. I'm not even a conservative. I'm a.m. part of the group that these extremists claim to be "standing up for". Sir, they do not represent me. And I'm tired of being dismisssd as a terrible person because I want good art, writing and editing.
— Terran Agent (@TerranAgent) September 9, 2018
What changes from year to year are that the reasons why and in this age of social how the message is delivered to us. In 2000 message boards (remember those) were filled with fans saying that they won't buy another Marvel Comic because I was now the new EIC.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
We can all have a great discourse, agreement, disagreement about how to make comics better…
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
…but when one of the most vocal and followed critics that (perhaps?) wants the same things you want makes it personal (which incites others to do the same) then it's going to be impossible for anyone to even, as they say in the TV world, "take the note."
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 9, 2018
Then it was time for the following day….
@JoeQuesada Thank you for engaging in dialogue with fans and creators that feel forgotten and marginalized this weekend! IMHO, there have been bad things said and done on both sides. We can't heal the division without open conversation, and thanks for that! We need more of it!
— DFS (@divedeepdavid) September 9, 2018
And again, for the record, my issue isn't with fans and their opinions. This started and for me continues to be my asking pros who align with a particular YouTuber if they stand by the PERSONAL remarks he's made about FELLOW creators.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
IN all the excitement, I forgot to post the other day during the awesome Captain Marvel movie frenzy. This cover is out but here it is in black and white.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
But it was soon back to normal.
Do you support this?
— rock barcellos (@rockbarcellos) September 9, 2018
No I do not. Just like I do not support the awful things that have been said to creators that might cause one to say something they shouldn't. People lose their cool, it happens, it gets dealt with. Each one in a different way depending on the severity of it.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
And then it got really political.
Lets make some heads explode on all sides of the aisle. This is a piece that I was commissioned to do for the late Senator Ted Stevens. When he wore his Hulk tie to work the Senate knew he going in for a fight.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Marvel learned of his love of the Hulk and I drew the piece and gave it to him as a gift. We got invited to the Capital and I got to sit on the Senate floor and may have started an inadvertent filibuster.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
With Jon Malin refusing to answer the question asked of him, he got a little cosplayer help…
IIRC Dickie defines "purse puppies" as creators who aren't themselves talented and therefore unable to succeed by their own merits, so they have to be "carried" by more talented or established industry names.
— Renfamous⭐️ (@renfamous) September 9, 2018
I mean as a fellow pro, do you support hearing him call other pros this kind of garbage, lessoning their worth, demeaning they efforts. Sometimes these are young pros just trying to get their start. We all have to start somewhere.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
You made a lot of money and helped turn a longtime struggling amateur into a PROFESSIONAL on the back of your amazing art and storytelling talents. I think that's something both your collaborator and I can agree on.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
I'm asking the same question of your fellow pros who embrace him as well or look the other way which is no different. Don't tell me he's cleaned up his act, yeah he's trying to but its been well over a year of this kind of clownish behavior.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Oh and @renfamous you win a No Prize.
Jon please support your creative community.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Wow. You act as if "purse puppy" (A term he learned from a trans person) is like this horrible insult. Joe, your own pros have been referring to fans as NAZIS! It doesn't get more offensive than that. His YouTube critiques don't justify their behavior to other people.
— Thor Odinson (@Thor_Odinson) September 10, 2018
And I've said it again and again, I think terms like Nazi get thrown around too liberally, especially when there are actual Nazis in the world. Same can be said for a lot of horrible descriptors.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
And so it was time for Ethan Van Sciver to step in. I think we have the set now?
No, @JoeQuesada. The personal insults exchanged back and forth between Zack and the pros he contends with aren't constructive. But they're symptomatic of the larger issue. He receives insults and gives them back. We receive ridiculous insults and responded by building CG.
— ComicArtistPro Secrets (@EthanVanSciver) 10 September 2018
He says horrible things, people respond in kind and then he/you say it's because people have said bad things to him. You can continue this narrative of victimization, I attack because I'm being attacked, but where does that end?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Ethan do you support this guy who makes fun of YOUR FELLOW PROFESSIONALS in the most horrible ways? Fans from all sides are watching because it matters. Decency matters, the creative community matters.
Whadday say brutha?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Hey thanks! I'm not sure what you mean by "a review going beyond a mere review." Is that like Tom Brevoort asking Mark Waid "whats the plan, man" when Waid told NYCC attendees to bring Zack to him personally? By the scruff of his neck, one imagines?
— ComicArtistPro Secrets (@EthanVanSciver) 10 September 2018
But it's out there for others to see. I hear he's even apologized and cleaned up his act. Is that true? What's he apologized for? Could it be inappropriate-attacks on creators?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
You're lying there. Zack himself has apologized for some of the things he said and there is no rationale for anyone else needing to disavow a person if they don't agree with the things that person said.
What happened to you?
— SerenityNow (@Serenit97952855) September 10, 2018
What has he apologized for? Perhaps what I'm accusing him of?
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Ya Boi Zack doesn't work for me and I don't work for you, so quit the isolation routine and answer for the people who do work for you. Or do you not see the poor behavior by your employees? You could admit that. We'd help you.
— ComicArtistPro Secrets (@EthanVanSciver) 10 September 2018
No you don't work for me and I have been answering for people who work for me. But you do support your buddies efforts to etc. You cool with stuff like this
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
But Richard suddenly deleted that tweet…
You asked what "purse puppies" were earlier. I hope you've learned what it means by now.
Can you tell me what an "Uncle Tom" is? Because the guy Zack is referring to there is following around POC ComicsGaters and calling them all "Uncle Tom". Can you justify that to us?
— ComicArtistPro Secrets (@EthanVanSciver) 10 September 2018
I could do this for a while Ethan. I think I know your answer by you're inability to say it. All good, I just wanted clarity for myself. We're both on the East Coast, it's late, work beckons tomorrow.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
And that one…
I could do this for a while Ethan. I think I know your answer by you're inability to say it. All good, I just wanted clarity for myself. We're both on the East Coast, it's late, work beckons tomorrow.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
But Richard was back.
I'm right here. You can ask me these questions directly.
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) September 10, 2018
Am I supposed to ask you if you support yourself? I'm asking pros who support you're personal attacks on pros.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
As the son and grandson of two vets, I can't say enough about the sacrifice that you guys make. So thank you. That said, I bet there's stuff that we agree on and perhaps more that we don't. But that's life amongst humans.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Maybe it's because this is their career, it's their livelihood, more than that, for people like me, it's our identity, it's our soul. Now I'm actually going to defend you here because fair is fair.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
I want you to know that was terrible, truly, because I know from listening to you speak proudly about your service how much a part of your identity is. I also saw you go completely apoplectic, rightfully so. Someone said something shitty about something you hold so dear.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
It's not the negative reviews, it's not even the baby voice you make when you read something to make it sound shitty, it's what you say about the people who made the book, that thing they're so proud of, their identity.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Comics are what all these creators do as well. Does it make someone, as you call them, "A cuck" because simple your words and accusations hurt them? I don't know, you tell me, words and accusations seem to hurt you too.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
If you were a young kid I'd say, "he's got some growing up to do", but you're only about 10 years younger than me and I'm an old f@#k. So I say this with a little more experience under my belt, do some reflection.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
That's a fine business model, but it's corrosive to the soul, yours and everyone else's. We've all made mistakes. I'm trying to be compassionate here when there have been times where I've loathed you for things you've said about people I love…
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Promote what you like, reject what you don't, but don't call for firings, don't make it personal because it won't improve a thing because when you make it personal, anything that you think is constructive for a pro to hear will never be heard.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
It might not get you as many views, or who knows it just might get more, but maybe it'll also make you feel better in the end.
Thanks for listening.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
That's exactly it. I went through 12 years of military…roasting and being roasted 16 hours a day.
I thought that pros could handle my half-strength roasts. I found out they could not. So I chilled.
Notice most of the "dirt" you have on me is a year old?
— Diversity & Comics (@DiversityAndCmx) September 10, 2018
maybe it's because you are in the eye of your hurricane that you can't see that you are causing so much of this as well in a crazy feedback loop, whipping it up hotter and hotter. Anger incites people on every side and its an effing mess.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
We may not agree on a lot of things, we don't even have to like each other, but keep it about the work. Go make the kinds of comics you want. For fans it doesn't have to be an either or game.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
To be effective and agnostic, you have to pick one because the review will come across as disingenuous, it will always seem like a promotional stunt for your own work. Something that I think you would criticize others for doing.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
What I do appreciate is that unlike the pros that I called upon to call out this bad behavior, YOU'RE the only one who came out and raised their hand. What makes that brave is that I'm of course talking about you. That takes guts so I respect that.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Now if you do feel that there is some validity to what I'm saying, you do need to sac up and make it right with many people. Like an addict on an apology tour you have to be willing to accept that some will never accept the apology and respect them for that.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Who knows, you might be surprised, if it's really sincere, you may discover one or two might just say "I forgive you" because comics isn't a club, it's a family.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Seriously late now, so thanks again gang for the wonderful conversation and back and forth. Be back sometime soon, but the donuts have to start getting made tomorrow.
Love ya all!
Be good to each other.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
I said yesterday that I don't agree with the personal insults.
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) September 10, 2018
I've made fun of myself, haven't been rude to anyone and never mentioned politics, etc. I also block no one because I don't want to miss out on your thoughts, even the sock puppets! There are those who want to have a discourse with me and they do it politely which I appreciate.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
I've been in this industry a long time and have sat in seats that have been exposing me to this stuff and far worse for almost two decades so no big deal.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Then the narrative becomes, look at the pro being awful to their fans. I'm not discounting the pros who may say something dickish as they open a conversation either…
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
As for me, yeah, I suck, I'm an idiot, I'm – oooo I can't even type that one without blushing ;^) but it's all cool & I appreciate all the passion in all directions so lets keep the conversation going
Love ya all, except for @FrankTieri and @StephenWacker
Be good to each other
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Ethan was back…
Renfamous harasses ComicsGaters. The people you are trying to win over.
ComicsGate IS the creative community working to please the fan community, or the customers. We aren't joining this OTHER "creative community" that you seem to refer to,that mistreats customers on Twitter.
— ComicArtistPro Secrets (@EthanVanSciver) 10 September 2018
I'd say lets call it a draw, but yeesh dude!
Yeah, you're going to say "he's funny, he means no harm." Okay, guess funny is in the eye of the beholder.
Forgot to mention I retweet you as well which you can feel free to monetize.
Anyway, much love man, go make awesome comics!
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
Heh, hey Twitter, if anyone is listening somebody's trying to hack into my account!
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) September 10, 2018
And that was it… for now. But Joe had a few botes from his peers…
You, sir, are a class act.
— Andy Diggle (@andydiggle) September 10, 2018
Been away a lot lately but wanted to say kudos to @JoeQuesada for many things said over the weekend.
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) September 11, 2018
I've been struggling for a while with elegant responses to some of these people, avoiding the fray here because of it. Thanks, @JoeQuesada, for reminding me how it's done.
— Phil Jimenez (@Philjimeneznyc) September 11, 2018
@JoeQuesada Thanks for being a stand up guy, Joe.
— Colleen Doran (@ColleenDoran) September 11, 2018