Posted in: Netflix, Trailer, TV | Tagged: baking, bleeding cool, cable, cakes, comedy, competition, cookies, cooking, DIY, Jacques Torres, Nailed It!, nailed it! holiday!, nicole byer, pies, season 3, streaming, Sylvia Weinstock, television, tv
Nailed It! Holiday!: 'Tis the Season for Jesus Meatballs, Turkey Cakes and DIY Sweaters (BC REWIND)
The holidays are a magical time of year: a time to believe in miracles, a time to be with our toxic families, and (most importantly) a time to make New Year resolutions that most of us will never achieve. What holidays would be complete without another season of Nailed It!, and comedian Nicole Byer and co-host Jacques Torres returned with a special themed season: Nailed It! Holiday!. This season blesses us with some rotten presents, ugly sweaters, robots with no necks, and contestants who can't open a refrigerator let alone make a three-tiered cake.
Nailed It! Holiday! consists of two rounds:
● Round #1 – Baker's Choice
Contestants are given 30 to 60 minutes to recreate a small, "simple" (yeah right) dessert structure. Who ever comes the closest to it not looking like something the garbage truck picked up early in the morning wins, with the survivor walking away with a gold, glittery, diva-tastic chef's hat–and possibly some pots and pans.
● Round #2 – Nail It or Fail It
Competitors must recreate a high-end cake in two hours. Each competitor is given a "Panic Button" which allows them to seek guidance from one of the judges for a total of "three whole minutes"–and can someone please explain to me why this isn't used by every contestant in every episode???
And then…
● The Results!
By the time the flour settles, whoever's "gem of perfection imperfection" is left standing (literally) walks away with $10,000–and maybe a blender.
In case you need a reminder, here are some of funniest moments from the season:
Episode 1: "Jingle Fails"
If you couldn't care less about baking and are interested in 22 minutes of eye candy, then watch this episode. Something about a firefighter making cake pops makes my mouth water. From a comedic standpoint though, recreating The 3 Wise Men, some barn animals, and baby Jesus from meatballs and a slew of phallic symbols makes this episode a must see.
Episode 2: "Winter Blunderland"
The amateur cadets are asked to replicate animal donuts: a polar bear, walrus, and a penguin. Throw in a contestant in spandex – I'm noticing a theme here.and what you are left with is comedy on steroids.
Episode 3: "You Mitzvah Spot!"
I'm biased on this one: my favorite guest judge and crypt keeper Sylvia Weinstock is back with "If you steal, you steal big". Being entertained by not only her anecdotes of thievery but her tongue-lashing of a young lady for having her hair down in the kitchen. Contestants prepared a Hanukkah Cake, where disaster ensued when cakes were left liquid and props like gummy bears were used to imitate fire.
Episode 4: "It's a Family A-fail"
Watch this episode! The creators of Nailed It! must have been feeling extra sadistic when they came up with the challenges. For the first round (now remember our contestants are amateurs) the trio had to recreate a fireplace, a TV set, and a gingerbread house in 30 minutes; and if that wasn't enough, they also threw in a cup of hot chocolate. What can I say? One of the contestants went to the back room and chugged some lemon vodka, another decided that hot chocolate should be made with…cold milk? The gingerbread house looked like a bush with a nose, and the TV set was something involving sticks (possibly a 1980's set?). For the second round, we were treated to recreations of a Turkey "Gobble, Gobble". Vaseline was used to give it a shiny coat, and the "Panic Button" came into play when someone couldn't turn on the mixer. Important to note: the contestants were given family member assistants–the term "assistants" is being applied very loosely.
Episode 5: "Toying Around"
Contestants had to create toys with moving parts. You knew this was going to be a hilarious blunder episode when the instructions yielded the following comment from a contestant: "I'm looking at the words and I just can't put them together". One contestant couldn't get the refrigerator door open, cookies turned into sand, and the results resembled something straight out of a horror movie, especially the creepy porcelain doll. In round 2 ingredients were left frozen, the Cake Robots had no necks, and all looked like they got an inch too close to the sun.
Episode 6: "3…2…1, Ya Done!"
This episode saw three previous contestants invited back to redeem themselves, charged with creating "New Year's Resolutions Cookies." The results resembled what cookies like that usually look like once January 15 rolls around: a pile of manure.
Episode 7: "Just Do It Yourself"
Special DIY episode minus Torres. No baking in this one, contestants were asked to recreate holiday ornaments and a fashionable ugly sweater. Power up the handsaws! Kinda surprised no one lost a limb, with the episode leaving me wondering if this was a prelude of what we can expect from a possible fourth season. Not sure I like this turn of events…
Margo Staten is a Ukrainian born, raised in Brooklyn, organically driven, coffee loving, twice-divorced mother of one baby Einstein. Has a passion for books, yoga in the park and all things 80's and New Orleans.