After a long period of development and having the release pushed back a couple of times, Odinfall will arrive in Early Access this week
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: anthem, bioware, Electronic Arts
BioWare Releases Notes For the Day One Patch Coming to Anthem
If you're looking to play Anthem on the first day, BioWare has already got a patch lined up that you'll need to download before you jump in. We have some of the more important notes below, and you can read the entire list here, but basically, this is a patch to fix all of the issues players have been pointing out during the demo phases that will improve gameplay and reduce the time connecting to the server for games. Anthem officially releases on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on February 22nd.
High level fixes
- Decreased loading times for older disk drives
- Fixed many infinite loading screens
- Fixed multiple challenges not tracking properly
- A number of issues have been fixed that were causing players to disconnect or crash
- Weapons and gear now have numbers present for modifiers
General Fixes and Improvements
- Loot Reveal and Expedition Summary now correctly play during the end of expedition screen.
- The gather party mechanic has been made more lenient in a number of situations
- At the end of expedition screen players will no longer get stuck on "Recording Victories" or "Skipping All".
- Game no longer hangs in Javelin menu when unlocking the second, third or fourth javelin
- During the mission "What Freelancers Do" dying after killing Junkmaw & freeing Arcanists leaves you unable to progress, this has been fixed
- Challenges now unlock for players at the correct levels
- Fixed some camera issues during cutscenes
- Legendary Contracts can now be accepted from the Social Hub contract board
- Some enemies have had their shield values decreased
- Loot now properly drops for players who are downed
- The texture quality on the NPC Prospero has been improved
- Final boss of strongholds now drop loot instead of only being shown on the end of expedition screen
- Fixed the time outs on echoes and relics to prevent griefing and to handle disconnections properly
- Players can no longer fall through the floor during the 3rd trial in the Fortress of Dawn
- Completing the tutorial expedition will now show the correct Ranger appearance
- After disconnecting, rejoining an expedition will now place you back into a squad if you were in one previously
- Corrected an issue where players could not interact with each other in the launch bay in certain circumstances
- Corrected an issue during the Mission "Bad Deal" where outlaws won't spawn, blocking progress
- The start of expedition screen has been improved
- Addressed a variety of situations where killing enemies does not properly progress world events
- Opening a chest now increments Tomb of the Legionnaire progress for all squad members present
- Scar snipers can no longer shoot through Storm Shield
- Corrected an issue where players would get stuck on the end of expedition screen in some situations
- Players will no longer get disconnected if joining the "Finding Old Friends" mission while the cinematic is playing
- Addressed a number of situations where players can get stuck on the environment in the launch bay
- Increased the damage of the electric status effect
- Corrected an issue where the Shield of Dawn could be crafted with less materials then intended in some situations
- The Platinum Mission feat now grants completion as intended
- Status effects can more reliably be applied to Titans
- Fixed loading animations on Marksmen Rifles
- Players can now access the Vault from the Forge
- Swimming into jellyfish underwater no longer leaves a visual effect stuck on players.
- Idle animations will no longer sync up over time in the Launch Bay
- Haluk is no longer dual-wielding canes in the epilogue scene
- Corrected an issue where players could not interact with each other in the launch bay in certain circumstances
- Fixed an issue that could cause players in the launch bay to have identical emotes and be unable to use them
- Interceptor melee ability animations will no longer stretch out in certain situations
- Corrected an issue where the default Ranger appearance doesn't preview in the forge in some situations
- All animations now play as intended in the Forge
- Players can now enter the Tomb of Gwanes while in a party
- The default Javelin wear state has been changed from "Dirty" to "Old"
- Sentinel Loyalty 2 text no longer incorrectly states that it will lead to a larger vault
- Picking up ammo from the ground now properly gives you 30% of that ammo back into both the current magazine and the maximum spare ammo
- Fixed a bug where some global (Javelin Icon) inscription bonuses were not being properly applied to the Javelin and other gear/weapons.
- Fixed some issues that could cause the Armor Pip count on the UI to break and not display properly

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