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IDW, Diamond and Hooked On Comics in Pennsylvania Win Comic Books For Kids! Awards
ComicBooks For Kids! is a not for profit organization that provides comic books to children in hospitals and cancer centres across North America. You may have read about their activities previously on Bleeding Cool.
At ComicPRO this weekend, the Board of Directors of ComicBooks For Kids! announced their 2018 annual awards to those organizations within the comic book industry who have been instrumental in providing support for children all across the United States in hospitals and cancer centres.
The first award was presented at the ComicsPRO event by founder and president Mark Weiss to Dirk Wood representing IDW. Mark announced the award, stating that IDW is the only publisher where multiple titles of their line have landed in the hands of children in all 50 states within the 2018 calendar year.
Awarded but not presented at the ComicsPRO event were two other awards, the Retailer of the Year award presented to Hooked On Comics in Pennsylvania and the Presidents award to Diamond Comic Distributors.
Hooked On Comics has been working with ComicBooks For Kids! since the C2E2 event. Since that time, Hooked on Comics conducted Saturday evening auctions where the proceeds were provided to ComicBooks For Kids! From April last year Hooked On Comics and their customers have provided almost forty consecutive donations to ComicBooks For Kids! with more to come.
The ComicBooks For Kids! Presidents Award recognizes that organization that is neither a retailer nor publisher and has had the largest impact on supporting the children across the United States. Mark Weiss stated, "Diamond has been providing assistance across multiple lines of their business including time at their annual Summit, FCBD and HCF support as well as other actions which have all had a positive impact on the kids".
All recipients will or have received a glass plaque with both organisations logos commemorating this achievement.