The Return of Doctor Odyssey was the most-read story on Bleeding Cool again yesterday. Lying In The Gutters is the daily runaround.
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Todd McFarlane Self-Swipes Amazing Spider-Man For Spawn #298 and the War To 300
This is the cover to Amazing Spider-Man #298 by Todd McFarlane from 1987.
And this is the cover from Spawn #298 by Todd MccFarlane, coming out in June 2019.
Spawn #298
"WAR TO 300," Part One TWO ISSUES 'TIL SPAWN #300! Spawn vs. the full might of Heaven's newest Godsend—ROUND 1! TODD McFARLANE and JASON SHAWN ALEXANDER up the ante in this lead-up to SPAWN's record-setting 300th issue, featuring TODD McFARLANE's special parody recreation of one of his own classic comic book covers! $2.99
Oh and it also comes sketch and virgin…
So… is Spawn #299 going to look a bit like this then?

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