Posted in: Comics | Tagged: #xmenmonday, Jean Grey, scott summers, x-men
X-Men Editor Says the Wedding of Scott Summers and Jean Grey Never Happened
Power-mad Marvel Senior Editor Jordan White dropped a major bombshell in his latest X-Men Monday column at Adventures in Poor Taste. White revealed that not only would the wedding of Scott Summers and Jean Grey be officially dissolved due to the fact that both of them spent a considerable amount of time being dead, but that, in fact, the wedding never actually took place at all!
First things first, let's address the fact that AiPT's Chris Hassan once again failed to ask our question about when Chris Claremont will write an ongoing series, a WrestleMania level swerve after hinting last week that this could be the day it finally happened…
But Hassan's cruelty can be forgiven considering he gifted us this wonderful clickbait headline, so you're off the hook this week, my arch nemesis… but next week is another story!
Anyway, Hassan asked White at the end of the column:
Before I let you go, I'd like to revisit death again… specifically the "till death do us part" line in wedding vows. Scott Summers and Jean Grey may not be in the same reality right now–but they're both alive in some form. Are they still considered to be married to one another or did both their deaths officially end their marriage?
And White responded:
Great question! I would think yes–their marriage was likely legally dissolved. Jean was pretty clearly dead for a while there, I am confident they had her legally categorized as dead and executed her will. Yes, she came back… but what matters is the legal status. Much like if a person is missing for a very long time and declared dead, their spouse is legally released from the marriage.
If you want to get even weirder when you think about it, there's this: the wedding of these two people actually never happened. The Cyclops who married Jean died in issue #1 of Secret Wars. He was replaced by a recreated version who was created with the memory of having married her… but that event never actually happened. Has there ever been a ruling on the legal distinction between events that occurred and those that exist only in forged history and memory?
Fans of the romantic pairing between these two characters will surely be upset by the news that the classic wedding from X-Men #30 never took place, but their loss is our gain… in clicks!
For more infuriating X-Men revelations from Jordan White, such as the answer to who is sexier: Gambit or Cyclops, check out the full X-Men Monday column at AiPT.