Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Alan Moore, comicsgate, loeg
Alan Moore Replies to Comicsgate in Final League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Yesterday saw the final issue of Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, with Tempest #6 providing the final cap as the book headed towards the Dalek Invasion Of Earth. We mentioned a few favourite surface-moments right here, and Moore-ologist Adi Tantimedh took a deeper look here – reminding us that Alan Moore still has a number of unpublished comic book projects still to be announced and scheduled. But this has been represented as their final work in comics together, and he and Kevin took the chance to thank a few folks and give a final goodbye.
But he does know who reads him and who does not. Such as a certain Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Which made an interesting note in a faked letter at the back of the issue, from a certain Hiram J Comicsgate III, from the likely-sounding town of Oklahodahio.
They're not that old… not yet anyway…
(W) Alan Moore (A/CA) Kevin O'Neill
In Moore and O'Neill's final comic book, this issue masquerading as a British science-fiction weekly, the plot-strands of our concluding volume and loose ends from twenty years of continuity are tied in an ingenious starry bow, as Mina Murray and her legendary confederates transition from the world of fiction past and present to the world of fiction future. Planets end in visual spectacle, lovers are united in the matrimonial event of the millenium, and deadly enemies draw close in the conclusion of their fatal dances. This is your last call for the immaculate crescendo of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. IV, The Tempest.In Shops: Jul 17, 2019
SRP: $4.99