Posted in: Batman, Comics, Crisis, DC Comics, Doomsday Clock, Justice League, Recent Updates, Superman | Tagged: alfred pennyworth, Batman, Doomsday Clock, hellblazer, Jonathan Kent, martha kent
The DC Comics Case For Keeping Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, and Alfred Pennyworth, Dead
So who wants some more half-truths and misinformation? As a result of yesterday's address to retailers by DC publisher Dan DiDio, much of which can be found in this series of articles, Doomsday Clock no longer being in DC Universe continued seemed settled – though, if someone wants at DC Comics wants to give it a bash, this guy has a tonne of ideas that could make it look like this was what you were going for all along. Bleeding Cool understands that Doctor Manhattan's "influence" will be mentioned in the upcoming Death Metal and Crisis events (which aren't the same thing) but that's all you'll be getting on that score.
After all, if 5G is ageing up all the main characters, then why spend the next year reintegrating them into the DCU when the timeline change that results in Batman and Superman ageing would just kill off both Alfred Pennyworth and Jonathan and Martha Kent naturally? If you are a member of the DC Universe and you are tied to a main character, the best advice is don't be old.
Say, I wonder if they are going to age John Constantine back to his pensioner age from the previous Hellblazer comics as well? He used to age in real-time for so long until Brightest Day…
Remember, "everything counts" and readers only want "stories that matter." That's DC Comics going forward… by looking backwards.