Mark Seifert Archives

Short 'n Curlies #45 by Si Spurrier
Kultcha: Terrible movies can save us all from an Evil Future.  Behold My Tortured Logic: See, a couple of Interesting Viewing Experiences this week have
Short 'n Curlies #44 by Si Spurrier
Kultcha: Overheard conversation between Angry Teacher and Smarmy Little 8-yr-old Schoolkid Bastard, during school-trip to Cultural/Historical Motherlode
Short 'n Curlies #43 by Si Spurrier
The Keyboard Is My FuckMonkey: Like a sluttish protein syruping itself into the Primordial Cell, Google continues to invade my Working Routine. "I'm vital
Short 'n Curlies #42 by Si Spurrier
This Week I Have Been Mostly Hating: ...Having the cruel wobbly knife of gender inequality rammed-home with a corkscrew twist. During a recent visit to a
Short 'n Curlies #41 by Si Spurrier
BrainFart: Much has been made, in recent years, of the ubiquitous MetaFiction Movement. Technically that's any piece of narrative which wears its Not