Rich Johnston Archives

Whatever Happened To Michonne…
While the TV viewers have been getting back into the Michonne habit of later, the comic book readers had been denied. But last week's issue more than made
Just One More Thing, Mr DiDio…
Dan DiDio talked Convergence. But I talk Columbo. Just one more thing, Mr DiDio, just one more thing. You said
MODOK Assassin Is Now For Grown-Ups
M.O.D.O.K Assassin is a series coming out in May. The first tow issue were advertised with the T+ designation, which according to Marvel's ratings, means
The Thrilling Adventure Excuse
Stunningly successful podcast and stage show The Thrilling Adventure Hour launched aKickstarter in 2012 to fund a graphic novel. A goal of $55,000 it
Ultimate End… Won't End Well
From Brian Bendis' Tumblr... FRIDAY BA-BOMB DROP! ULTIMATE END issue 4 cover pencils by Mark bagley uh oh! That's Miles Morales, the Ultimate Spider-Man,