Review Archives

Saturday Comics Review: CLiNT #5
Very brief numbercrunching. Comics page content: 69 Previously unpublished comics page content: 7 Blimey, that's not much: Okay, enough with the
Numbercrunching: The Dandy #3508
So the first issue of the new relaunched Dandy comic, now a weekly comic full of, you know, comics has launched. And there has been a minor media fuss.
Numbercrunching: Viz Comic #200
The longest running adult comic book in Britain, Viz Comic has just hit issue 200. A true milestone for this bi-monthly/ten times a year magazine. A
CLiNT #2 Numbercrunching (EXCLUSIVE)
Bleeding Cool has received an early copy of CLiNT#2 out in a week. So what's the score? Cost: £3.99 Pages of Kick Ass 2 #1: 8 Pages of Turf #2: 14 Pages
Number Crunching CLiNT Magazine #1
What's the comic? CLiNT, from Mark Millar anf friends. Featuring Kick Ass 2, Turf, Nemesis and Rex Royd. Cost: £3.99 ($6.17) Comics story pages: 71 Price