Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Batman, Comics, conventions, dc, entertainment, granito, marvel. mvl, rob granito, wizard world
Who On Earth Is Rob Granito? (UPDATE)
A familiar face at recent comics conventions, Rob Granito recently appeared at Wizard World Toronto. Here is his appearance bio, listing credits including Batman, Teen Titans and working on an upcoming Batman arc. And these are reflected on his website. And he has appeared at a number of shows over the years, such as Jacen 2009, He is appearing at Megacon this weekend and will be appearing at Chiller Theatre at the end of the month, listed as a cover artist for Marvel and DC.
But some people aren't so sure, and I've been sent a number of allegations saying that Rob is basically nothing but a chancer, faking a biography in order to sell his work, a number of pieces of which look rather familiar. And people like Jan Duursema seem to think it's been going on quite some time.
So I find his contact e-mail and asked him. What exactly were these credits? He told me;
Yes I am currently working iwth Jay Diddilo on a batman title that has not yet been released. I've worked on dozens of books the shaddow of the bat being the batman title I was on for about 4 weeks. Most of my work has been covers though. The current took deals with a bit more of the history of the "batman" then his current exploits though.
Okay, so I asked which issues in particular – and who the hell Jay Diddilo was. He told me;
Jay is one of the big Writters for DC I probbibaly spelled his name rite, covers range from the Shaddow of the bat issues 12-25, teen titans 1-7, Spiderman I did a butt load I dont know the numbers, for Iron Man the same. For the Animated batman series 1092-1995.
Those Shadow Of The Bat covers were by Brian Stelfreeze, those Teen Titans 1-7 in the same timeframe were by Dan Jurgens and George Perez. I pointed this out.
I did mix work, fill in work and was a ghost artist for most of the projects I did, Iron man was for Marvel Multi Media as was Spiderman, Batman the Animated was under the WB Studio.
Well I asked and both Dan Jurgen and George Perez had never heard of this guy and certainly didn't have any assistants or ghost artists on those covers.
I pointed this out too and… nothing. No response. That was a day ago.
He also claims to have drawn the US Postal Service Batman stamp. The one credited to Jim Lee and Scott Williams.
So. Here's the question. Does anyone know Rob, and can confirm any of his other credits? Because right now there are some angry people looking to confront him at the next show he goes to.
UPDATE: Oh this is rich. In the commenst section of another blog rereporting this story, there's this response;
No he is legitomite i was a DC Assistant Editor until a year ago and we used Rob as a ghost artist on a number of books we used he is well known on the "insiders" level of the industry and did alot of promotion art for DC and Marvel dont believbe rumors i worked at DC as an art director for 6-7 years and we used Rob alot he is legit
A familiar writing style there from this supposed DC Assisant Editor and/or art director?